The Trust Advantage

Building Stronger Teams and a More Fulfilling Workplace

Rachel Denyer
Published in
2 min readMay 17, 2019


Trust is the foundation of strong teams. Patrick Lencioni, in his book “The Five Dysfunctions of a Team,” argues that without trust, even basic relationships crumble. This lack of trust creates a sterile work environment where rigid rules dictate every move, stifling creativity and collaboration.

However, building trust can be a challenge. A recent study revealed that less than half of employees globally trust their employers, managers, or colleagues. The reasons often boil down to three core issues:

  • Feeling Undervalued: team members perceive unfair compensation or promotion policies.
  • Broken Promises: Unclear expectations or a lack of follow-through on commitments erodes trust.
  • Feeling Unsafe: A high-turnover, anti-collaborative environment breeds fear and discourages open communication. Team members hesitate to share ideas or raise concerns for fear of reprisal or being ostracized.

Building Trust: A Practical Guide

So how do we bridge this gap and build lasting trust? Here are 10 key strategies:

  1. Make Trust a Priority: Acknowledge the importance of trust and actively work towards fostering it.
  2. Keep Your Promises: Don’t overpromise on commitments, no matter how tempting.
  3. Be Accountable: Set clear expectations and ensure those involved know how to hold you accountable.
  4. Embrace Healthy Conflict: Disagreements are inevitable. Encourage respectful debate to create innovative solutions.
  5. Provide Specific Feedback: Empty praise is counterproductive. Invest time in thoughtful feedback that helps colleagues improve.
  6. Clarify Individual Roles: Clearly define individual responsibilities to manage expectations effectively.
  7. Lead by Example: Be willing to be vulnerable and share your own thoughts and challenges.
  8. Address the Issues: Don’t shy away from difficult conversations. Acknowledge problems and work together on solutions.
  9. Embrace Play and Experimentation: Step outside your comfort zone and try new approaches to spark creativity and encourage a more open and collaborative environment. Consider team-building activities that promote collaboration and communication. The key is to create a safe space where people feel comfortable taking risks and learning from each other.
  10. Default to Trust: Discuss the concept of “defaulting to trust” with your team. How can you build a culture of trust as the starting point?

Bonus: One thing that doesn’t work — Trust falls….

Building trust takes time and effort, but the benefits are undeniable. By following these steps, you can create a more positive, productive, and innovative work environment for everyone.

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Rachel Denyer

Fascinated by how we work, together & alone. Writing about leadership, learning, facilitation & productivity. Sharing practical ideas for modern professionals.