Why we started Peoplzz

Debbie Ben Zaken Sharvit
Published in
3 min readMar 12, 2018

I have worked in People Operations for 15 years. My entire adult professional career has entirely been in the new world of work. Just like scores of you, I navigated to numerous roles in my career to date — something past generations swore was the ultimate red flag on your resume. I have transitioned back and forth from being a self-employed Consultant and a full-time member of fast-growing startups.

Each time I decided that it was time for a change, I realized that to successfully progress to the next step in my career, I needed to take proactive measures. I needed to reinvent myself. In this case, reinvention is less about changing yourself and instead about expanding your competencies.

Every time I made these steps, I’d find myself with the same disappointed feeling. A resume alone wasn’t enough to showcase my abilities or that of anyone with in-depth experience in the field.

By Ross Findon on Splash

HR today are the success managers of people and culture.

From ever-changing compliance, through hiring in endless talent war while dealing with managers rejections to flexibility and diversity, to solving communication problems that naturally happens when people from different backgrounds, beliefs, and motivations spend so many hours with each other every single day.

Each day in this position holds so many interactions and experiences.

Inspiration Begets Inspiration in Us All

Last year, I had the privilege of serving as a Community Manager for a knowledge sharing HR community on Facebook, I shared my google drive with all the resources I gathered during my years in HR, after a while, I started to get a lot of mentoring requests from other community members.

The new generation of People People, like other professionals in any other fields, seek to learn from peers and actual practices.

I greatly admire the work done at Github and Stack Overflow. What they’ve done for professionals in their communities is incredible. Professionals can share and learn from actual professionals in the space. These sources of learning are the portfolios of the professionals. Thus, making the give-receive cycle of benefits function.

It’s time for people professionals to have their own industry-specific real-time knowledge, skills and services sharing community.

A Solution for People Professionals

So I gathered my friends and co-founders, the most talented product design and tech people I’ve ever worked with in previous startups, and we decided to build the sharing marketplace that People People deserve.
With this at their disposal, human resource professionals can share and help each other grow.

Just as designers do on Behance and writers do on Muck Rack.

What’s in it for you?

Peoplzz is a market network that simplifies the ecosystem and relationships around People People and Culture builders market allowing HR professionals and consultants to build their brand, share and search knowledge and opportunities from like-minded peers inside their business community.

Your skills and time are valuable resources to other community members. Let our marketplace be the microphone; you just need to get the words out. Together, we can improve the quality of people professional’s brand while engaging in beneficial ways. The more we come together, the better we all gain from one another. Find out how today by joining Peoplzz .

