Cracking the Software Interview-II

Bilwa Gaonker
Pep and Prep talks!
2 min readJun 28, 2021


In this episode of Pep and Prep talks! the host is having a conversation with Tess Watt, a student from Edinburgh Napier University (Scotland UK). She is currently interning as a Software Engineer at JP Morgan. Got some really amazing answers and advice from her in this episode! Do tune in and check out :)

Podcast episode all about landing an internship :)

In this episode, she discusses following points:

📌Her overall feelings about the placement process.

📌Her learning from failed interviews

📌Explains the tests and interview processes for JP Morgan.

📌Mentions the difficulty level of coding rounds and the topics to which the technical questions were related to.

📌 Talks about the STAR approach she used for answering the interview rounds.

📌 Stresses upon the importance of portfolio (on GitHub) for technical roles.

📌 Topics to prepare just before the interview round?

📌Reaching out the interviewer for gaining feedback regarding the interview (through LinkedIn helps).

Do listen to this amazing episode on…

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Bilwa Gaonker
Pep and Prep talks!

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