Nothing speaks clearer than a sale

Jose Carlos González
pepe carlos blog
Published in
1 min readAug 6, 2013

Ash Maurya presents an excellent blogpost about product/market fit lean startups and validation. Some highlights:

“ .. .four stages to the customer development process as iteration loops with the following success end goals:

  1. Customer Discovery — Achieve Problem/Solution Fit
  2. Customer Validation — Achieve Product/Market Fit
  3. Customer Creation — Drive Demand
  4. Company Building — Scale the Company

The Customer Discovery stage ends with a Problem/Solution fit and a Minimum Viable Product (MVP). During Customer validation you validate your MVP by attempting to sell it — Nothing speaks clearer than a sale. Successful iteration here should result in a repeatable and scalable sales model…”

Regarding landing home and landing pages:

The website is the only sales and marketing collateral customers see. In addition to the landing page, I created the following pages which flowed easily from the results of my previous customer and product presentations:

  • Landing Page — Unique Value Proposition
  • A 2-min video — Demo
  • Why CloudFire Page — Preliminary Product Positioning
  • About Us Page — Preliminary Company Positioning
  • Pricing and Signup Page — Transaction

