Discover your core, find infinite possibilities and grow 10x.

Muki Regunathan
Pepper Square
Published in
3 min readMay 13, 2018

Organizations today, despite being driven by customer centric approach and experienced leadership team, are losing visibility. Internal communication and the positive zeal of the organizations are dying. The employees are confused and feel boxed. Meanwhile, the lack of communication flow from the top leadership to the bottom is slowly destroying the culture of organizations. Though companies look ‘normal’ from the outside, they are slowly becoming complacent and losing their essence.

Grow 10x with Design Thinking

The Design Thinking workshop delves deep into the collective psyche of the leadership, deciphering organizational challenges and aspirations. It helps to discover the strengths and weakness of the organization in order to reinvent the brand, explore its current strategy and derive a new positioning essential to succeed in the experience economy.

The Design Thinking workshop is created to explore and discover possibilities of growth and expansion within and externally.

Only the liberated individuals can be leaders and achieve the impossible by focusing on the core, and build a successful brand.

Design Thinking Workshop is designed to be an eye-opener, to discover the core self, speak and listen to the inner voice, derive strength from within to make a giant impact externally. It helps to liberate, make bold decisions, and realize what it takes to be a leader. The program brings out the best and inspires the participants to step up and perform better.

Pepper Square leadership team has successfully organized more than 30 workshops in various organizations. Our latest design thinking workshop was an exercise based on a triad approach of Awaken, Align and Aspire sessions. Each session had an exciting interactive content that involved the leadership team to come out with their feelings, aspirations, and concerns for the company.

How data is gathered from the workshop?

The data is gathered in an unobtrusive manner so that no role and job title come in the way of influencing decisions, but record only the deeply experienced authentic feeling. Every design thinking workshop is carefully planned with different activities compelling the participants to come out of their comfort zone, conquer fear and find their way by aligning with Personal, Professional, Financial, Social and Spiritual goals.

Pepper Square Design Thinking workshop unleashes indefinite possibilities simultaneously liberating teams to evolve as a person, and realize organizational dreams.

Reach out to us for our unique Design Thinking workshop and grow your brand 10x.



Muki Regunathan
Pepper Square

Designer, Entrepreneur, Investor & Mentor. Health, Joy & Adventure make the game of my life. Invested in 19 startups.