The Most Admired iOS App Development Trends in 2021

Muki Regunathan
Pepper Square
Published in
5 min readApr 2, 2021

Technology trends in the mobile industry impact user experience, and the development trends in iOS play a key role since Apple sets the foundation for the experience economy. Currently, iOS apps have hit the 1.96 million mark, making it critical for the developer community to stay up-to-date with recent developments to keep pace with this trend.

There’s an app for everything from walking your dog to attaining peace of mind. The developer community stands to gain the most, as the higher the number of apps in the app store, the more the user download. Even the best mobile app development companies in Bangalore, and elsewhere, have experienced this occurrence first-hand.

The app economy is disrupting the myth that only companies can create great products. But the challenge faced by the app developers is that they need to continually keep up with the latest development trends and user expectations.

That said, let’s look at some of the latest iOS mobile app development trends that’ll set the tone for 2021.

iOS Mobile App Development 2021 Trends

What are the parameters that are going to set the iOS mobile app trends in 2021? Is it Swift Programming, Data Privacy, Security Protocols, Personalization, or User Experience? How different are they going to be from the past iOS design practices?

Apple’s vision is long term; they look at ten years ahead. The developer community must learn to earn money, just like the iPhone version. Don’t get excited and push feature after feature; instead, get the users hooked to the mobile phone’s foundational characteristics.

Enhanced Security Protocols

For all mobile apps out there, security is a priority. Apple has a robust algorithm for the same, which is also one of its USP(s). Think of its hardcore, vigilant security layers, along with its strict policies, which prevent breaching their devices.

But then, we can’t rule out the notable rise in hacking attacks, a dark affair that has bereft the well-reputed image of the brand at the mercy of a single mistake.

Apple is trying its best to protect users from the dangers of contemporary/shady technologies that violate any individual’s security and privacy.

Breaking an individual’s safety relates to violating a human being’s fundamental rights, which is a severe offense. Recently, Apple came up with the initiation of the ‘Enterprise-Wise’ culture to cater to all user needs to create a safe and secure environment.

Overall, Apple aims to improve security and prevent data breaches or cyber-attack.

Swift Programming

Swift is the official language of Apple.

It is also the programming language for the applications built with iOS. It has been significant in its employability by various iOS developers to transform their ideas into reality and make their dreams come true. Close to 50% of all apps available on the App Store are written in Swift.

That said, why are developers always eager to learn/pursue this programming language? What’s the craze surrounding this technology?

The answer to the massive popularity lies in the following reasons. In no particular order, these are:

1. Swift is an extremely flexible programming language capable of adapting to various developments.
2. When it comes to safety, Swift is exceptionally safe and secure. With that crucial aspect taken care of, developers can focus on other nitty-gritty while using Apple’s programming language.
3. The efficiency and scalability of Swift also make it popular among developers.

Apple had released its 5.3 stable version (the last update to Swift) in Sep 2020. This version found favor with developers as it gave them more punch and bring certain features to the table that aid in app development to a significant extent. Ergo, a win-win situation!

ICYMI, here are the significant add-ons provided by Swift:
1. Escaping of the raw strings
2. Using new scalar Unicode properties
3. Testing the Integer Multiples
4. Removing the subsequences and many more
5. Using the Character properties

Apple HomeKit

Next up is a unique offering called HomeKit. HomeKit is known to provide a vast range of benefits to all of its users, such as:

1. Helping users control and communicate with devices and connect with the respective accessories using the app.
2. They are giving users complete control of the connected devices. Users can create a group to trigger the Siri voice command.
3. Additionally, to complement this feature, Apple is working to create ‘Smart Home’ products, which can easily integrate into the devices.

All in all, HomeKit is one of the biggest innovative offerings provided to developers as it helps them create products and apps that can easily connect to the Apple HomeKit for easy use. There are speculations that this will help bring revolutionary changes to the concept of ‘Home Automation.’ Moreover, the IoT element is expected to grow along with these innovations.

Apps Focused on IoT Will Gain Prominence

IoT (Internet of things) is gaining an immense amount of importance for app developers globally. The concept of IoT has been in the buzz for some time now and was crucial in helping programmers develop some exceptional offerings in iOS apps.

For all the iOS developers out there, IoT is a central element that enhances the usability of the apps. For instance, COVID19 threw many challenges and pushed several developers to create apps related to temperature monitoring.

Apple Pay is the Easiest and Most Secure Way to Transact

iOS app developers consider the pay-offline feature as ‘User-Friendly’ for their products. The reason is simple. The developers are super-intent on creating value for their users.

In the iOS-ecosystem, Apple Pay makes transactions super easy for users, giving them a more accessible, trustworthy, and secure payment source.

With Apple Pay, users don’t have to store details of their cards on their Apple device(s). This feature attracts users who may not want to part with their card details.

Apple Pay has shown tremendous growth with 507 million iPhone users activating this service, up from 441 million in Sep 2019.

In the future, we will witness the growth of the iOS domain, which will experience massive expansion. Eventually, users will get to experience more groundbreaking advancements in technology.

Apple is leading the way.



Muki Regunathan
Pepper Square

Designer, Entrepreneur, Investor & Mentor. Health, Joy & Adventure make the game of my life. Invested in 19 startups.