Caffeine Crazy

Pepperdine Rising Tide
Pepperdine Rising Tide
3 min readNov 10, 2015


Caffeine is a crazy thing. Like absolutely crazy. But sometimes crazy is what you need to get you through an adventure. I’m just going to go ahead and start with the fun fact that my regular Starbucks order is a grande iced caramel macchiato.

My love for this particular drink led to one of my many not so good decisions; at the same time it led me to one of the most eventful days yet.

It started at 7AM when my head reluctantly lifted itself off the pillow and
ended at 2AM the next day. Wednesday’s are crazy days. Now for most people it’s great: they sleep in until 10, go to convo, get some caf food, and most likely head to the beach. Preferably Ralph’s beach because of the chill vibes.

But instead of going to Ralph’s Beach, I went to Ralph’s Grocery. As I stood in the freezer aisle (my substitute for no air conditioning), I saw a packaged
Starbucks caramel macchiato which was the equivalent of 6 drinks. I basically drank the entire thing in less than an hour, probably not the best choice…but I mean… #college. My Wednesday’s are far from “chill”. Specifically last Wednesday which was low key the biggest struggle. I got to a point where I couldn’t stop laughing and I kind of just hit a wall. Exhibit A of my need for high caffeine levels is displayed in this screenshot of my schedule:

First of all, THANK YOU GOOGLE CALENDAR YOU ROCK MY SOCKS. Second, seeing this schedule Wednesday morning just made me feel tired in itself.

During the Student Government Meeting we talked about Blue and Orange Madness and our upcoming resolutions. I’ve quickly realized that SGA works in so many ways behind the scene to change the school in a positive way. Did you know the HAWC used to sell peanut butter and bread….PEANUT BUTTER AND BREAD. I seriously don’t know how I would have survived rush week without the brownie

The rest of my day consisted of work and sorority study hours. Let me just say, I absolutely LOVE my job!

For my first tour I had one person…for my second tour I had FOURTY-ONE
PEOPLE. That escalated very quickly! But seriously, we’re like a family in the
Office of Admission! An intern made this picture and I don’t know whether to laugh or feel uncomfortably awkward! (I’m in the top right corner,
Katelynn is on the bottom left!)

We handle weird phone calls, give crazy tours, and show people why we love

My day was planned out from 8AM-8PM, but the truth is, I loved every second of it. The cool thing about college is that you’re not just doing things to fill up a common app. You’re doing each thing because you absolutely love it and know that you want to invest you time into it. Time in college is so so precious! But what you do with that time is SO worth every second. So if this busy schedule requires me to have multiple caramel macchiatos throughout my day and feel overly energetic, I’m totally okay with that! The craziness of college is getting real, but sometimes crazy is what you need to get you through an adventure.

P.S. I typed this out while hiking up the CCB Stairs! #legdayeveryday



Pepperdine Rising Tide
Pepperdine Rising Tide

Rising Tide is an original docuseries following five students as they navigate their four years of college at Pepperdine University in Malibu, CA.