Bearface is Growing

Published in
2 min readFeb 22, 2016

The world of academic publishing and education is radically changing. It is easy to see how technology and shifting enrollment patterns are challenging even the biggest and historically most successful institutions. Our society is also changing. The real challenge is addressing the needs of our new generation of students.

In the past three years since Bearface Instructional Technologies began, we have partnered with more like-minded leading institutions who also recognize that the term “traditional” college student no longer exists.

We use instructional technologies, web technologies, and data analytics to provide a truly personal learning experience for the student while giving colleges and universities the tools to measure, evaluate, adapt, and demonstrate success in real-time.

Take a look at Bearface and see why we are growing.

Innovative online textbook and assessment systems for undergraduate wellness students and graduate-level medical students.

  • 21st Century Wellness: The Science of the Whole Individual
  • FitQuest : A Personal Journey
  • Coaching Health Lifestyle: An Integrative Approach for Health Professionals
  • The Science of Well-being: An Interactive Approach for High Schools (A/P)

Kale Student Well-being: a learning and assessment platform in which college students can learn to problem solve and adapt in all dimensions of their life.

Mobile BearTracks: an app for tracking physical activity, diet, sleep, and stress. Data flows from the user’s phone to our BearTracks learning management system.

BearSmart: an artificial intelligence prototype that uses IBM Watson technology to read and provide feedback on students written reflections and essays.

Take a look at us, and see why we are growing. Participate in what we are developing. Change the world with us.

Learn Well, Live Well

What Other Reviewers Are Saying:

“…ideal for colleges and universities that are searching for ways to make better use of students’ time with more opportunity for them to engage in activities and promote future participation…”

“…will help us in our new endeavor to quantify what our students are learning in our activity classes…”

“…offers a comprehensive online format to assist students in all aspects of goal setting, physical assessment, journaling and culminating lifetime skills…”

