Innovative Ways College Campuses Help Students Cope with Stress

Published in
2 min readJan 26, 2016

The stressed-out college student has become an unfortunate commonality on higher education campuses. Because of the recent unwavering statistics though, this concept can no longer be taken lightly. In fact, anxiety has actually surpassed depression as the most common mental health diagnosis among college students. According to a recent study of more than 100,000 students nationwide, more than half of students visiting health clinics cite anxiety as their primary health concern.

Besides counseling centers hosting individual and group therapy sessions, there have been some fun and innovative ways college campuses are helping students cope with stress. Here are some of our favorites:

1. University of Southern California — Marching band library performance:

The night before final exams, the USC Trojan Marching Band plays USC fight songs outside the only 24 hour campus library. USA Today shares student and band member, Katherine Desmond’s experience:

“The Primal Scream is a really fun way to let off steam, to represent our school, and motivate the students studying away in the library. It’s nice to have a study break every once in awhile!”

2. University of Central Florida — A new app for treating anxiety:

The counseling center at the University of Central Florida is actively finding new ways to reach more students who suffer from anxiety but don’t seek professional help for one reason or another. The center uses an app that will help students cope stress by using their cell phone. The TAO (Therapist Assisted Online) app is an online treatment program with educational modules and short videoconferences with therapists.

TAO is being used by several well-known college universities such as Clemson, William and Mary, and Texas A&M to name a few.

3. University of Central Florida — “Paws-a-tively Stress Free” event:

UCF noticed their centers are busiest during midterm and final exam periods, so they decided to host special events during this high-stress time for college students. Their most popular event involves pet therapy, more creatively called “Paws-atively Stress Free.” During the last event, a certified therapy dog alleviated over 75 anxious students during the two-hour time span.

4. University of Georgia — Library de-stress stations:

At the end of each semester, University of Georgia creates de-stress tables in their libraries to facilitate relaxation during study breaks. The tables have several options, such as coloring books, puzzles, and free coffee to ensure the average overwhelmed student can relieve some anxiety and socialize with fellow students who are experiencing the same feelings.

Let us know what you think about these fun and innovative ways college campuses are helping students cope with stress by commenting below or sharing on social media!

