Become an Omnifinery Member to Share Your Creative Spirit and Be a Part of an Artistic Community

Evgeny Avetisian
3 min readSep 5, 2020

If you want to submit your work to be considered for features on our site and social channels, or apply for open calls/opportunities, we invite you to become an Omnifinery Member.

Become an Omnifinery Member

If you want to submit your work to be considered for features on our site and social channels, or apply for open calls/opportunities, we invite you to become an Omnifinery Member.

As a Member you can:

• Submit your work (Editorial Guidelines may apply)

• Apply for open calls & opportunities

• Join our private creative community*


$50 USD / Year

(or minimum 20 submissions within year and a half, from joining date)

Click to Join


$5 USD / Month

(or minimum 2 submissions within a month and a half, from joining date)

Click to Join

  • We know how many people are going through tough times right now so we’re making our Discord community FREE to anyone for the foreseeable future. If you want to join, go here.

Submit Your Work

This is a call for artists, photographers, illustrators, designers, sculptors, musicians, film makers, creative bloggers, independent art galleries, concept stores, media agencies! Do you want to see your work published on our website? As a Member, you will have a constant access to our Submission Form, through which you can submit your work (Visuals, Text and External Links; Editorial Guidelines may apply) and after a quick processing review you will see your work appear in Omnifinery Editorial within a week period.

From these submissions, we select the strongest works for our Editors’ Hype articles, which are featured on our Editorial, and we regularly share and promote our favourites on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest and our Editors’ Twitter, as well as our massive email newsletters and all other publishing resources we operate. Sharing your work here is an effective way to reach a much larger audience.

Apply for Open-Calls & Opportunities

Becoming an Omnifinery Member allows you to submit to a variety of our open calls, projects, and opportunities. We occasionally hold open-calls to be featured in a limited edition print publication, or be exhibited as part of group shows in art galleries in cooperation with Institute Avetisian, as well as have us produce master print editions of your work for free. Members can submit to all open calls and opportunities as many times as they like.

Join our Private Creative Community

If you’ve only experienced Omnifinery through our website or Instagram, you’ve only scratched the surface. Dive deeper and explore our private Discord community — an active hub for designers, artists and photographers, full of creative resources, art-related AMA’s, and other people looking to share knowledge and make connections.

If you want to be part of a talented creative community, full of positive people eager to help each other improve and grow together, this is it.

Become a member now and start sharing your work!


$50 USD / Year

(or minimum 20 submissions within year and a half, from joining date)

Click to Join


$5 USD / Month

(or minimum 2 submissions within a month and a half, from joining date)

Click to Join

Omnifinery — Feel Comfort in Your Individuality

Text: Editorial Staff

Omnifinery Editorial: Article 013

Join our Omni Culture Club (OCC) for more beautiful thoughts and artistic revelations

Find Omni on Instagram

Evgeny is an art director and a global citizen based in Hong Kong and working between Asia and Europe.

Find Evgeny on Instagram

