Cole Brooks
Perception importance to business
2 min readSep 25, 2017


How to Improve the skill Perception.

Perception is a very useful skill and not brought up enough. If you master the skill of perception doors will open in your personal and work life. The famous saying goes “you only get one first impression”. This is another reason perception is so important. I have been practicing and improving on this skill. I want to become a business man so I began to dress business casual and carry myself in a business professional way. That is one physical way, I have also been reading books on the psychology of first impression. Having practice two ways to improve my skill perception. Continuing to practice my skill and add to it. I will read more books and also talk like a business professional. Moving forward engaging in conversations with business professionals. Having the perception of a business man who looks and talks the part is a good start. Once you start doing these little things everyday it becomes a habit. That is the best part of perception the skill can change and branch into other skills. Maybe at first you are not a business professional. Practicing perception so others believe you are a professional in any field. Eventually you will also start to believe it yourself. Practicing everyday a little will improve the skill and you will notice the difference. I have also realized taking small steps is a good way to not overwhelm yourself or discourage yourself. For my example not talking to a business professional that Is my dream job is not the first step. Talking to a family friend or neighbor who is a professional is a good starting position. Slowly moving towards your end goal of being able to hold a good conversion with that dream recruiter. Giving that person the perception that you are the correct candidate for the job.



Cole Brooks
Perception importance to business

Hello, I am a student at the University of Buffalo posting about a skill i think is very important PERCEPTION.