Percy now integrates with and GitLab CI

Percy Blog
Published in
3 min readSep 12, 2018

As one of the leading applications built to support teams throughout the entire software development and operations lifecycle, GitLab is changing how products are built and deployed.

We’re excited to be part of that mission through our new two-way integration and support for GitLab CI. source code integration

Up until now, we’ve supported GitHub as the exclusive channel to run visual testing alongside code reviews. Today we’re thrilled to add support for projects on!

Our GitLab integration facilitates a two-way sync between Percy builds and your GitLab repositories, giving your team visibility into visual reviews on each merge request.

It’s easy to get started with GitLab and Percy. Just generate your GitLab personal access token and add it to your Percy organization under Settings > Integrations.

To get the full setup instructions for generating a personal access token, check out our documentation.

Once you’ve enabled the GitLab integration, you’re ready to link repositories with Percy projects to start reviewing Percy snapshots alongside your CI builds. If a visual diff is detected within your Percy builds, it will show up in your GitLab merge request details as needing review.

This integration also pulls rich metadata into the Percy UI including information regarding the compared branches, committers, commit messages, and more. Approving a build in Percy will subsequently update your GitLab status with details of when and which team member approved it.

GitLab CI integration

GitLab’s all-in-one continuous integration solution is an incredibly powerful tool for teams big and small. We’re proud to be adding official support for GitLab CI so teams can leverage their test suites to run visual reviews on each merge request.

To sync GitLab CI and Percy, all you need to do is configure environment variables in GitLab. Navigate to your GitLab repository, then go to Settings > CI/CD > and then expand the Variables section to add the Percy environment variables.

Check out our GitLab CI documentation to learn more.

Giving more teams access to efficient visual testing workflows is one of our top priorities, which is why we’ve been hard at work building our GitLab integrations. This announcement would not have been possible without our beta testers! Thanks to those awesome teams for the early feedback.

If you have any questions or would like guidance for getting set up with GitLab, don’t hesitate to shoot an email to We look forward to getting more teams up and running with Percy and continue making visual regression testing accessible to all.

Percy is a visual testing platform that gives your team confidence in every visual change before it’s shipped. Learn more at 💜

