New in Percy: Improving our visual diff approval workflow

Lindsay Cade
Percy Blog
Published in
3 min readMay 16, 2018

We’re excited to show off some of the newest features we’ve built to improve the visual review and approval experience in Percy. Best of all, these updates are live in Percy right now!

Single snapshot approval 👍

The most significant change you may have already noticed is the ability to approve individual snapshots.

We use Percy to test Percy. For example, this is what we saw when adding a new profile to our team page. P.S. We recently welcomed three new Percy team members: Michael, Benjamin, and Payton!

Before this update, you could only either “Approve All,” or often you’d need to ignore changes until you were ready to approve the changes as a whole.

Now as you’re reviewing your builds, you can “Approve” individual snapshots while leaving the questionable ones alone. Once all snapshots in a build are approved, the whole build will automatically be approved. 💚

Redesigned build header

With this functionality improvement, we’ve also redesigned the header to highlight the most critical action-items for users on the build pages—the number of visual changes that need approval.

The new header not only shows what you need to review but also calls out the number of snapshots that are unchanged and free of visual bugs. Having 100% confidence in the visual integrity of your entire UI, including the pages that didn’t change, is crucial to the visual testing process, so we put that information right up front.

Snapshot approval carry-forward

Along with these front-end features, we’ve enhanced some of the behind-the-scenes branch approval functionality.

With this update, previously approved snapshots will stay approved from one build to the next for the life of the branch. In other words, we now “carry-forward” snapshot approvals.

Previously, Percy would show you changes on each commit instead of each branch. Although this worked initially, it didn’t scale well for teams (like us!) who are continuously pushing commits, requiring changes to be reviewed and approved over and over—or left until the very end.

Now, identical snapshots will only have to be approved once per branch, saving you heaps of time and helping integrate better with your branching workflows. 🙏

We think these updates will have a big impact on how teams are currently doing visual regression testing. Internally it’s already helped us save a decent chunk of time reviewing builds, and we hope it will do the same for you.

Log in or sign up for a free Percy account to see these updates in action. Have a question or feedback? Feel free to drop us a line in our Intercom chat or on Twitter.

Percy is a visual testing platform that gives your team confidence in every visual UI change before it’s shipped. Learn more at 🌟

