Tutorials for your first visual tests

Tim Haines
Percy Blog
Published in
1 min readJan 27, 2017

Percy, being a developer tool, can sometimes take a bit of work before you get your first “aha!” moment with it.

We wanted to simplify that, so in just a couple of minutes developers can have an app running with Percy integrated and use it to experience how visual diffs and the review process works in Percy.

We’ve added a couple of 2-minute, step-by-step tutorials to get you started:

At the end of the tutorial, you’ll have a simple app with one acceptance test that takes visual snapshots in two different states. The snapshots will be uploaded to a Percy account for you to play with and get hands on experience with the visual review tool.

The tutorials use example applications based on the awesome TodoMVC project, by Addy Osmani, Sindre Sorhus, and friends. Thanks to Nate Berkopec for creating a Rails TodoMVC implementation.

If you have any questions or feedback, let us know!



Tim Haines
Percy Blog

Percy.io co-founder. Love building things people use. And icecream. 🍦