Characteristics/Technology of Percival

Percival Token
Published in
2 min readNov 5, 2018

Our member had experience to design and develop front-line device of semiconductor, and to develop and expand the core components for the newest model electric device to the market. Especially, they had achievement of mobile device which was used SOC by company Q, the largest US application processor for one of the main component in smart phone. By using their SOC which is produced by the world front-line semiconductor 7 nano technology, we would like to develop the hard device for project Percival. Besides, our member had experience for mining by ASIC exclusive mining machine so would like to expand the new mining market with our semiconductor technology and mining technology.

Characteristics of Company Q

Company Q is located in San Diego/USA and is the world largest manufacturer focused on mobile device

Characteristics of SOC by Company Q

It is architecture of ARM base chip set developed by Company Q, and is the semiconductor used for Smart phone and Tablet mainly. Its SOC is installed multi functions that include excelled processing ability, low power consumption and several kinds of communication function, and in additional minimum dimension. In case of model no. “QSD8x50” chip set, it is operated by 1GHz against CPU clock frequency for the normal mobile is 500MHz. Image processing is corresponded to WXGA (1280 x 720 dot) of resolution at max and to run 720p HD video is also possible. It achieves power saving function and battery can be last whole day. For the communication function, it supports W-CDMA(HSPA), Wi-Fi, ISDB-T, GPS and Bluetooth. For OS, it can be operated not only Windows Mobile but also Android and Linux series OS. Its SOC has been started using for high performance smart phone such as “Nexus One” by Google and “XPERIA X10” by Sony Ericsson, and also for “Smart book” which is appeared as middle category of net book and smart phone.

Characteristics of newest SOC

The application processor of Snapdragon 845, the highest class of Snapdragon 800 series, can be said as the bestest performance device for CPU, GPU and network.

The super lowest power consumption and high performance SOC by 7mm process

