ARB Rewards: Season 3

Perennial Labs
Published in
2 min readNov 18, 2023

Season 2 concludes on Monday and has been yet another success. In Season 2, rewards helped grow Large Cap Vault liquidity and bootstrap trading activity of non-ETH/BTC markets, and since beginning the STIP incentive program, Perennial has seen consistent trader demand and market growth.

Introducing Season 3 Rewards

Season 3 will be two weeks long, beginning on Monday (11/20) at Noon UTC and ending on 12/4 at Noon UTC. Rewards will be claimable shortly after 12/4.

Takers Rewards:

For Season 3, in addition to standard rewards for OI & fee rebates (amounts above), Perennial is introducing Leaderboard Rewards to spice up the competition.

Over the course of the two week season, traders will battle to be in the top echelon of traders on Perennial by PnL & Volume. At the end of the two weeks, 40,000 ARB will be distributed to leaderboard winners, 20,000 ARB to the top 5 traders by PnL, and 20,000 ARB to the top 5 traders by volume (no restrictions or limitations on markets).

Rewards breakdown by place:

1st — 9,000 ARB
2nd — 5,000 ARB
3rd — 3,000 ARB
4th — 2,000 ARB
5th — 1,000 ARB

This will be a fun experiment for the Perennial community. A quick reminder, we reserve the right to nullify rewards for users engaging in strategies not in the spirit of the grant.

Perennial will also have an additional 42,500 ARB distributed via week 1 & 2 methods, with 75% of those going to fee rebates and 25% going to OI rewards. Half of both OI rewards & fee rebates will be distributed to takers in ETH/BTC markets, and the other half will be distributed to takers in any of the other markets (including new markets launched).

Maker Rewards

No real changes here in the distribution methods realtive to season 1 & 2. Providing liquidity as a vault LP or pro maker will earn rewards.

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