Pro LP Interface is now live!

Perennial Labs
Published in
2 min readAug 2, 2023

OG Perennial users may recall our V1 UI with advanced maker functionality — We’re bringing this back in a big way.

We’ve just launched a dedicated interface for advanced Makers/LPs. LPs now have the choice between a simplified experience utilizing Perennial Vaults on the “Earn” page and an advanced experience opening maker positions directly into the protocol using “Make”.

Check out the “Make” tab in the app.

What’s new in “Make”?

“Make” is Perennial’s Pro LP interface. While LPs have always been able to open maker positions by directly interfacing with the contracts, Perennial now has a separate UI dedicated to serving Pro LPs.

With this interface, LPs are able to:

  • Select exposure(s) — Rather than grouping many risks into one large index, Pro LPs can pick and choose which markets to provide liquidity to. Choose to LP to one market or many markets, only short or only long pools, short-tail assets or long-tail assets.
  • Open positions with up to 25x leverage — Perennial is making idle capital a thing of the past. Perennial allows LPs to open positions with the same leverage as takers. Maximize earnings & exposure per unit of capital. Capital efficiency doesn’t get any better than this.
  • Build custom hedging, rebalancing, and arbitrage strategies —Perennial doesn’t lock you into one strategy. Pro makers are given full flexibility to define how exposure is managed, on- or off-chain.

Note on risk management: “Make” is meant for advanced users who understand the risks of LP’ing with leverage. Please see the docs for more information.

Over time, we’ll be adding more data & features Pro LPs need to make decisions and execute on opportunities. We would love to hear any feedback & data/feature requests.

Share your thoughts in discord.
DM us on twitter.

… and look out for Perennial V2 coming soon 🤫

