How Seneca Can Save Your Life — 24 Stoic Lessons for Modern Living

#12. No one ever became wise by chance

J.W. Bertolotti


Image: The Death of Seneca by Peter Paul Rubens (c. 1615)

The wisest students of human nature in ancient times, and perhaps of all time, were known as the Stoics, writes Ward Farnsworth (author of The Practicing Stoic). But what can Seneca, a Stoic philosopher from two thousand years ago, teach us about modern living? As it turns out — much of Seneca’s writing reads as if it were written today.

Letters from a Stoic

Seneca exchanged a series of letters (mainly to Lucilius) on wisdom, death, and everything in between. These letters are known today as Letters from a Stoic, and during the pandemic, sales increased by more than 700 percent due to the practical and timeless wisdom they provide.

24 Ways Seneca Can Save Your Life

(1) A great captain sails on, even with his canvas in tatters; even if he has scrapped the ship’s equipment, he keeps the remnants of his vessel on course.

(2) No one can live a truly happy life, or even a bearable life, without philosophy; while complete wisdom renders a life…



J.W. Bertolotti

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