“Life is Suffering” Explained

Why Buddhism is Right About Suffering and Pain

Brandon Tumblin


Photo by Jose Luis Sanchez Pereyra on Unsplash

In Buddhism, it’s said that “life is suffering”. Though some Stoics may argue that this is not the Stoic view on life, it does seem to be unequivocally true that the philosophy of Stoicism exists because of that very fact — that life is suffering. Stoicism, like all philosophies, only exists because we must contend with that fact.

A Brief Look at Evolution

Let’s take a naturalistic look at history. Our best theory at the moment for how we came into being is evolution. That is, life was created on earth as single-celled organisms and through the challenges of life, some survived and others did not. The ones that survived had some genetic advantage, which could have been completely random, while the ones that did not survive had some disadvantages. Of course, the ones that survived passed on their genes to the next generation.

“Life is suffering.”


The Evolution of the “Divine Mind”

Over billions of years, some of these single-celled organisms evolved into multi-celled organisms, and eventually, into mammals and then into us, human beings. With the evolution of human beings came the evolution of the…

