Chrissy Hops
Perfecting Time Management in Business
2 min readSep 26, 2017


Hi everyone and welcome to my blog, Perfecting Time Management in Business! My name is Chrissy Hops, and I am a sophomore at the University at Buffalo. In this blog, I will be talking about skill hacking time management. Time management is one of many soft skills that is essential in doing any kind of work. My philosophy of work is that work is inevitably such a huge part of our lives, so in order to live happy lives, we must enjoy our work. It is nearly impossible to be a happy person when you are constantly stressed out about work and when you need to get things done. Working on time management skills is the simplest solution to not be stressed about having too much work; if you have a surplus of time and a plan of when you are going to get work done, you will be productive and reduce stress. The same goes for being timely to work and other appointments, as being late can cause much stress. This being said, it is essential to have great time management skills in order to enjoy your work and live a happy life. This skill is of particular interest to me because it is something that I have always struggled with. I want to learn more about it through research and experience, and I want to share what I learn through this blog. I hope that my findings can help guide readers through their experience of perfecting time management. I know that it is basically impossible to perfect time management skills, but I believe it is all about finding what works for each individual. I plan on using many aspects of learning a skill in finding how time management works for me. I will use practice and repetition by practicing the same skills every day, as well as trial and error by being open to trying new skills to see what is effective. I am very excited to see what I will accomplish through this blog, stay tuned!

