How Time Management Ties in with Other Soft Skills

Chrissy Hops
Perfecting Time Management in Business
2 min readOct 2, 2017

Time management is a soft skill that ties into many other soft skills. For example, to be able to have efficient time management skills, one must also have problem solving, self motivation, and organizational skills. I believe that self motivation is a major part of time management, because if you are not motivated to get tasks done, then how will you ever manage your time to do them? “Having the self- control to motivate yourself to start the paper for your English class will put you ahead, and may even save you some unnecessary stress.”(Hallac, 2017). My classmate demonstrates the fact that having self-control/ motivation will put you ahead when it comes to time management. In other words, once you find self motivation, time management may follow. I decided to test this theory out myself. It was a little bit difficult since self motivation is not something you just wake up with every day, but I pushed myself to get up early and go to school to do some extra studying. I (not surprisingly) found that giving myself that extra motivation got me ahead, giving me more time to do other important tasks. Doing things like this every day, just finding that little bit of self motivation, will help enormously in the long run. Many soft skills work together, which is why it is important to develop many in the work force. Having skills that build off one another will put anyone ahead, and overall decrease stress. If you try to motivate yourself to have better time management skills more and more every week, just think about how much you will have improved on in a year. Since time management is something you might slip on, it is key to maintain motivation and keep your eye on the prize.

Source: Hallac, M. (2017, September 27). Light at the end of the tunnel motivation [Web log post]. Retrieved from

