
Chrissy Hops
Perfecting Time Management in Business
2 min readOct 3, 2017

If one is planning on going into the world of business, it is very important that in their education they have learned how to manage time. All effective leaders must have the skills to manage time in order to give orders and get things done. “Most importantly, leaders need to understand that time management is essential as a component of their responsibilities and accountability. Leaders need to develop systems that manage the day to day demands as well as flexibility to deal with many last minute changes or interruptions based on pressing needs often beyond the manager’s control.”(Farrell, 2017). The author is saying that in order for workers to be productive everyday, they must create systems that meet the standards of work. They must find how their workers will be using their time in order to do the given task at hand. This being said, it is important to find personal time management skills, but in business, it is more important for leaders and managers to develop systems for everyone in the organization to manage time efficiently. Of course, it is up to the individuals to follow the schedule in a timely manner, but the assistance of the manager is crucial to the business. Since I am just a student in no leadership position, I was not able to test this theory, but I can surely say that when teachers have a clear system as well as flexibility, as stated in the article, it makes it a lot better on the student to get assignments in. Leaders creating a hard-working yet flexible environment in school and business will take pressure off of students and employees but motivate them to get tasks done at the same time.

Source: M. F. (n.d.). Time Management. Journal of Library Administration, 57(2), 215–222. Retrieved from http://eds.b.ebscohost.com.gate.lib.buffalo.edu/ehost/detail/detail?vid=7&sid=ee0204d4-1996-4334-990f-90b3b20b2414%40sessionmgr101&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZSZzY29wZT1zaXRl#AN=122387037&db=bth

