University vs Business

Chrissy Hops
Perfecting Time Management in Business
2 min readOct 1, 2017

Time management is something that everyone must find their personal niche with, and this is a process that takes time. In school, it is important to find time to do assignments and projects, as well as study for tests and quizzes. Many people do not take time management very seriously until they run into these problems. A way that I have found to organize time is to put due dates and test dates in my personal agenda and plan ahead in order to be prepared for these dates. Even with doing this, it is very hard to go through with it and actually do everything on the days you said you would. Everyday life comes with unexpected events, so who knows if I am actually going to start studying for a test a week in advance when so many other unplanned things will pop up in between when I schedule it and when the time comes? In school, it is not too difficult to still get by when putting things off and waiting until the last minute, but in business, it becomes a lot trickier. In Patricia Thompson’s blog about time management ‘Self-Management vs. Time-Management: What you Need to Know’, she states; “Once I finished grad school and became a consultant, things changed. For one thing, the corporate clients I worked with all had an incredibly high level of urgency. So, putting off a project for two weeks simply because I didn’t feel like working on it wasn’t going to cut it. Furthermore, compared to the predictability of the university semester, my consulting schedule was completely erratic.” In other words, the author is saying that once you leave the world of schooling and enter the world of business, procrastinating is not an option. Because of this, it is crucial to find what time management skills work for you. Thompson goes on to explain how to manage your time and yourself by demonstrating clear steps, such as setting clear goals, being flexible with time, and avoiding task hopping. Task hopping is when you work on many tasks at once, which is not as effective as sitting down and doing a task completely. It is extremely important to stay focused on one task at a time in order to finish efficiently and timely. I hope to find the many steps to find time management skills that work for me and use them once I graduate college and take a step up in the world.

Source: Thompson, P. (2017, August 14). Self-Management vs. Time-Management: What You Need to Know [Web log post]. Retrieved from

