When We Say Performance, We’re Talking Technology ­– Why Performance at Intel is now Intel Tech on Medium

Intel Tech
Performance at Intel
2 min readOct 15, 2020

When we launched Performance at Intel on Medium just over a year ago, we said we’d cover the topics that matter the most to the performance of our products and the experience provided to our customers. We realized “performance” may not capture the extent of topics that we want to cover in this Medium blog. Bringing about higher levels of performance is always the intent behind any technology Intel roles out, and the intent of our Medium blog is to bring perspective to those technologies.

Intel Six Pillars of Technology Innovation

With Intel’s Six Pillars of Technology Innovation as our framework, we’ve decided to rename our blog Intel Tech on Medium to reflect a broader approach that encompasses not only the technologies that go into our products, but how they impact user experiences and customer use cases. This includes six-pillar topics covering architecture, process and packaging, interconnect, memory and storage, software, and security. Over time, you’ll be reading more from us on these topics by the engineers and technologists who bring them to life. We hope you continue to follow us now on Intel Tech, as we explore exciting concepts, revolutionary technology, and innovative Intel products that push the boundaries of what’s possible.

Notes & Disclaimers

© Intel Corporation. Intel, the Intel logo, and other Intel marks are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries. Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.



Intel Tech
Performance at Intel

Intel news, views & events about global tech innovation.