4 Simple Habits To Help You ATTACK 2021

Zach Fowler
Performance Course
Published in
4 min readDec 31, 2020


Ladies and gentlemen, it is finally time to say goodbye to 2020 and attack the New Year! At this time, most all of us are setting new goals for ourselves, and having several thoughts about what tasks we want to accomplish in 2021.

There is no better time than RIGHT NOW to reinvent yourself and your habits. Whatever it is you have thought about chasing, or lifestyle change you have wanted to make, make it happen this year! Start with the end in mind, and work backwards to create your path to achieving your goals!

Do not expect this to be easy, it will get tough! It will be hard to stay consistent, and stick with the process. A journey of one thousand miles always begins with a single step. One day at a time, one step at a time!

Whatever it is you are chasing this year, there is a high probability that you are going to have to be healthy in order to get it. You get out of something what you put into it, anywhere from your own body, to your craft. We all can benefit from living a healthy lifestyle, and taking care of ourselves. We need to be in tip top mental and physical shape in order to get what we are after. With that said, below are four simple habits to establish to help get you on your way!


Yes, you have most surely heard this one before! The importance of proper hydration cannot be emphasized enough. Dehydration, and even moderate hydration has been shown to cause negative effects in performance in concentration, alertness, muscle recovery, decreased immune system function, and more.

Proper hydration is tough to achieve, and takes discipline to accomplish. Fluid intake should be anywhere from 2.7–3.7 liters per day to achieve proper hydration. We try to make it easier by just aiming to consume half of your body weight in ounces. It might seem like a very miniscule thing, but hydration is pivotal for proper performance in anyone’s daily life.


Here is another one that many of us struggle with, and again, the benefits cannot be emphasized enough. The long list of benefits from adequate sleep range anywhere from hormone release and regulation to repair of the heart and brain.

Sleep is your body’s way of recovering both mental and physical aspects of itself, and is also vital in growth and development in younger individuals. As simple as it sounds, the less sleep one gets, the less recovery your brain and body gets. Over time, that lack of recovery can take a drastic toll.

Various studies have shown that the adequate amount of sleep for an individual 18 years or older is anywhere from 7–9 hours per night and 8–10 hours per night in younger individuals. Give your body enough time to repair and recover in 2021, and watch how well you perform!


Eating healthier foods is one of the most common New Year’s resolutions all over the world, and is easily the hardest. If you want your body to work like a sports car, you better put the best gas in the tank! Understand, however, that your diet will not be perfect. Everyone deserves to treat themselves from time to time, and enjoy the foods that life has to offer.

In order to achieve a better lifestyle in 2021, aim to have a HEALTHIER diet, not the HEALTHIEST diet! Again, it will not be perfect. Eat more colorful and less processed foods, substitute water for that soda, and be more disciplined with portion sizes. Whatever your nutritional goals are, be sure to put the best gas in the tank to get the most out of your engine!


Ah here it is, the New Year’s resolution we have all had ever since we can remember. We all know that exercise, paired with a decent diet, can help us achieve that body we have always wanted. However, exercise also produces many benefits within the body, such as increased cognitive function, decreased risk of heart disease, and improved mood through endorphin release.

Recommended exercise by the Centers for Disease Control is 30 minutes per day. This could include a light jog, resistance training session, or workout class. Just like nutrition, aim to exercise more this year. You do not have to be a workout nut living in the gym to get healthy! Find what you enjoy, get that heart rate up, and challenge yourself. And remember, one day at a time!

This year is going to be what you want it to be. There will be great things that happen. There will be days that you fall short. Anything worthwhile never comes easy, and always requires sacrifice, discipline, focus, and desire to get. Don’t wait to be a better you! There is no better time than right here, right now to get what you have always wanted. Do not go into the new year expecting to stay the same. Set those goals, prepare your mind, and attack it!

