Be Aggressive!


Zach Fowler
Performance Course
3 min readSep 30, 2021


Yes, you read that right! I have the incredible opportunity every day to give athletes many different coaching cues to perform certain movements, but there is no other cue I love to give more than, “Be aggressive!” This is because, to me, aggression does not always have to have a negative connotation to it. How I always explain aggression to athletes I work with is a mindset that says whatever you choose to do, you do it with everything you have and with NO FEAR! Aggression is a choice that is made that says anything you do, you OVER-DO!

Too many times today, people become too timid to go for something they dream of. There are many reasons for this, whether it be fear of failure, uncertainty, lack of confidence, etc. All of these come from our mindset that we as human beings choose to have, and therefore cause us to not even try! And even when an attempt is made, it is made with minimal effort!

Failure is inevitable at some point in our lives, and failing knowing for a fact that you gave everything you had can be a positive thing! Every person in this world is capable of something great, but nothing will come if you just dip your toes in the water. True success will only happen if you dive in head first!

Then there are the people who check the boxes in their life, or go through the motions. There are many reasons for this as well, but the main one that I commonly see is people who feel like they are stuck doing the same thing every second of every day, and see no motivation for what they are doing.

How can “being aggressive” help these people? Do not just do your job… OVER-DO it! Do more than what is asked, create new ideas and avenues within your team or organization. Create your own challenges to maintain that fire you had in you in the first place! Make yourself known as someone who will never settle for just a good job and always performs tasks at the highest level!

Nothing great in life has ever been done going half speed. In order to get whatever it is you want in life, you must do it with confidence, no fear, and ALL of your heart. Life has a great way of hitting hard and making people feel small, incapable, and incompetent. But when you hit back and attack each day, each task, each moment with everything you have, great things tend to happen! In a world filled with fear, BE AGGRESSIVE!

