Be You: The Importance Of Being Your Own Person

Zach Fowler
Performance Course
Published in
3 min readMar 15, 2022

This universe is one big jigsaw puzzle, and us humans are its pieces. Just like the ones you see in the store or have done a thousand times, the pieces are all unique. They vary in size, shape, and imagery.

A completed puzzle is an image that is created by every piece fitting in the place it was meant for. Not one is missing, and the placement of each piece is never forced.

This metaphorical universal puzzle we are talking about is not complete without you and your unique piece. Yes, you read that right. This universe is not complete without you being you.

When one tries to be someone else, the universe becomes off-balance, and the Earth is thrown off it’s axis. The puzzle is not complete. Don’t try to be someone else’s piece and be someone you’re not. Other people’s pieces belong to them, and your’s belongs to you and only you.

Be original. Be unique.


Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash

How many times have you heard someone say they want to be like so-and-so? If you’re anything like me, it’s a number too big to count. Even further, that number is most likely a substantially larger number than the amount of times you have heard a person say the ONE THING they want to be is themselves. Not taller, more wealthy, faster, stronger, or better looking. Just themselves.

You possess talents, passions, and qualities for a reason! You are here on this planet to play a role that is tailored specifically to you and who you are. That role is designed for YOUR personality, YOUR skillset, and YOUR blood running through YOUR VEINS. When you attempt to fill a role that was made for someone else, your role leaves a hole. An incomplete puzzle. And the only person that can fill that role is you.

With all this said, please don’t misunderstand me. Mentors and influential people are vital on the path to success. I have multiple mentors that I hold in an extremely high regard that have helped me in countless ways. However, more times than one, I held those people on such a high pedestal that I found myself trying to become them. I respected their knowledge, habits, and everything they did so much to the point that I got away from my true self. And if there is one thing that I know from those experiences, it is that being someone you’re not is absolutely exhausting and not sustainable. It almost becomes a full-time job when you try to abandon who you truly are.

What I’ve learned (and am still learning) is that the most effective thing you can do is take from these mentors and mold their teachings to fit who you are. What it really is is taking parts of them to fit you and not breaking yourself down and taking parts of you to fit them. But do not get me wrong, effort is still required. Taking knowledge and establishing those habits you want takes effort, discipline, and consistency. When it is all said and done, what ends up happening is your unique and original puzzle piece becomes more vital and effective, versus being removed completely.

Creating a puzzle takes a lot of things. It takes time, patience, commitment, and more. Critical thinking and analyzation are required to make each piece fit correctly to ultimately build the beautiful bigger picture. If there’s one thing I hope you take from this, it is do not try to be someone else’s puzzle piece. Your piece is right where it needs be, and it looks exactly the way it’s supposed to.

Be true, and be you.

