E is for EFFORT

Wes Voth
Performance Course
Published in
3 min readJun 10, 2020

In times of uncertainty, there are so many things that we may not be able to control as athletes. Sometimes adapting can be hard and frustrating, but the important thing to focus on is managing areas that we do have command of.

EFFORT is one of 6 pillars within our character development curriculum at Performance Course. Effort isn’t for everyone, but the good news is that everyone is capable of exerting maximum effort. Your effort level is a daily and sometimes minute-by-minute decision.

No one can make you give maximum effort: not your parents, coaches, or teammates. The person looking back at you in the mirror makes that decision. High achievements come from hard work and consistent effort. It requires effort to make an A in a class, to wake up early and workout before school, or to go out of your way and serve others. If you want to be great, it will require effort in all aspects of your life.

The choice is yours!

Here’s an acronym for EFFORT:


E is for Effort, not easy! When you give all you have towards a drill, conditioning, or workout in the weight room, you will be pushed out of your comfort zone. Our biggest gains happen outside of our comfort zone. You have to learn to be ok with feeling uncomfortable. One of my favorite quotes is “If you want to get into the endzone, you have to get out of your comfort zone.” Don’t settle for easy, challenge yourself with all out effort.


There are two F’s in Effort! Fast & Furious. That needs to be your mindset! From the moment your feet hit the ground, you are fast and furious with your effort level. You can’t wait until noon or 2pm to turn on the effort. By that time it is too late. It’s right now, every second of every day. ALL in! ALL the time!


O is for obstacles. Obstacles always come up in life. When adversity strikes, you have to attack it head on with all of your inner strength.

“If you have a positive attitude and constantly strive to give your best effort, eventually you will overcome your immediate problems and find you are ready for greater challenges.”- Pat Riley


R is for Results. With great effort comes great reward. Every person likes the idea of being great, but those who work hard and give more effort have better outcomes. Effort is a great equalizer. It does not matter if it is athletics, academics, or building relationships, it takes putting forth effort to get the results we want.


T is for Tank. Empty your effort tank everyday! There is no getting back effort. You either spend it or you lose it for that day. All we ask for is all you can give.

Effort is a choice but it’s not an easy one. Effort isn’t earned or learned, it comes from within. When your mind whispers words of letting up just 1%, don’t listen. It’s a lie. No matter the outcome of the game or match, you’ll know you did everything possible to prepare with maximum effort. Make effort a part of who you ARE each and every day!

