It’s What’s On The Inside That Counts

Geno Pierce
Performance Course
4 min readMay 27, 2024


I am often asked what makes Performance Course different and it’s a very simple answer:

PC is not a workout. It is a movement, a culture, and a commitment to improving yourself and your team as athletes and more importantly as human beings.

It belongs to no one but is for everyone.

PC is belief in yourself, others, and something bigger.

PC is leading through serving and setting an example.

PC is having a never-say-die attitude.

PC is knowing that consistency is the mark of a champion.

PC is about effort and knowing that hard work has to be a part of who you are.

PC is about desire and that deep “want to” that you will never give up until it happens.

While you will be exposed to the best coaching and most effective training methods in the world, it is no guarantee for success. In fact, we believe that there are no guarantees in life; only opportunities. Advantages are gained and improvement is readily available for all who are willing to do what others are not.

We firmly believe that if you are willing to do the little things that others are not, better than anyone else, and understand that your character will determine your destiny, then you, and more importantly your team, will be champions.

As a competitor, the two most important ingredients to reaching your potential as an individual and as a team are strength of character and mentality. After working with over 500,000 athletes, thousands of teams and being around some of the greatest coaches on the planet, these are the two components that seem to stick out when it comes to reaching your potential.

Bobby Knight said the mental is to the physical as 4 is to 1. The difference between good and great is mentality and mindset. With hard work and consistent commitment, you now have a tool that can literally transform your character and mindset. How you do anything is how you do everything.



While an elite-level, high-energy, principled training program is what we show up for, if we are to be honest, it is only a platform for the foundation we believe so much in and is at the heart of what we want our athletes to come away with.

Belief — Our star is a symbol of belief and we feel it is the most important attribute you can possess. If you BELIEVE in yourself, your team, your coaches and your WHY there is nothing that cannot be accomplished. Belief is your why in life and can be more powerful than anything you can possess. He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how.” You gotta believe!!!!

Leadership — Leadership is what separates teams and companies from average to great. Leadership is serving others and having the courage to do what is right all the time. Leaders have to influence. Leaders are the keepers of the flame. Good teams have coaches who are keepers of the flame. Great teams have players who are keepers of the flame. You have to keep people believing regardless of the circumstance or how they feel. It takes a mentally tough, unselfish individual willing to serve to do this.

Attitude — Attitude is your mindset or approach. We are talking about a “burn the boats,” take no prisoners attitude that you are going to do whatever it takes each and every day to make yourself and your teammates champions. The only two things you can truly control are your effort and your attitude. Control what you can control and your attitude will be the game changer.

Consistency — You don’t have to be a great or naturally talented player, but you can always take great pride in “bringing it” every day, all day. Consistency relates to the other factor you can control, effort. Everyone can work hard sometimes, but very few can work hard all the time, every time. Consistency gives you the edge and can be what separates you from the others. Can others stomach the relentless consistency that you are willing to bring? Consistency is the mark of a champion!

Effort — As discussed before effort is one of the few things you can control. Everyone wants to be known for something, we want you to be known for your effort. John Wooden said, “Nothing works unless you do.” Mentally tough people have a definition of hard work and their definition is vastly different than most people. Effort is contagious and your effort or lack of can effect or infect your teammates.

Desire — Desire is “want to” or good old-fashioned toughness. Toughness is the ability to not bend and to stay the course regardless of the situation. Failure and adversity are inevitable. Desire is the fuel that allows you to continue to inspire your team and ignite the energy in yourself and others.

We can’t wait to get started and are excited for the person and team that you will become this summer where everything matters!

