The French Contrast Method

What? How? When?

Dylan Hall
Performance Course
2 min readAug 27, 2024


Force and power are words synonymous with things like strength, speed, explosion, etc. An athlete’s ability to create force and power at a high rate, often times, dictates their ability and success in sport. How can we train these abilities to squeeze the most out of our performance?


The French Contrast Method (FCM) is a type of contrast training. Contrast training’s goal is to potentiate, or fire up, a group of muscles and increase muscular force in that movement range. FCM, in particular, is a group of these contrasted movements done consecutively to illicit those desired effects.


Although it has changed slightly over time, FCM is typically made up of the following; a heavy compound exercise, a plyometric, a weighted plyometric, and an assisted plyometric. Example below:

Back Squat — 5 sets of 3 @ 80%

Tuck Jumps — 4 sets of 4

Weighted Squat Jump — 4 sets of 5 with Dumbbells or Vest

Barbell Assisted Vertical Jump — 4 sets of 8


The best time of the training block to implement FCM is the preseason. With the velocity and intensity of the movements done in FCM, it is ideal for mimicking the expectations of the live sport. This creates high transferability between the training done in the weight room and the play on the field.

Photo by Benjamin Brunner on Unsplash

