Winning Mindset

Winners Focus on Winning

Jeremiah George
Performance Course
2 min readJan 4, 2023


Confetti showers are seen and felt on the skin of champions far before the end of regulation. Trophies are claimed and raised proudly overhead well before battles end. Victory is EARNED ahead of opponents ever stepping face-to-face in preparation to uphold their commitment to excellence.

Winning is a habitual act and a practice that takes shape deep in the mind and competitive spirit of those in constant pursuit of the feelings paired with earning the W.

Actions are reflective to thought and winners apply this logic to their daily practice. Winners focus on winning; dedicating their lives to the endless pursuit of possessing the priceless feeling and giving their all in repeating the process. Though the feeling winning provides may be priceless, the price tag attached to it requires a great currency exchange of mental and physical offering.

This may not be comprehensible to all, but winners will understand and apply these ideas instantaneously.


  • Honest mental and physical evaluation of effort, regardless of outcome.

Recommitment to Resilience: FINISH

  • Internal vow to commit. This cannot be renegotiated during predictable or unpredictable times of adversity. Quitting is not an option.

Concentrated Effort and Attention to Detail

  • Numb to external factors, with all intentions dedicated to extending mental / physical productivity.

Absence of Fear & Failure

  • Preparation + Opportunity x Desire = Reinforced Commitment to Finish

There are mental and physical requirements due when hunting down that winning feeling. “It takes what it takes.” That is saying that embodies exactly what winning demands.

Winning is not hard. It’s challenging, but not hard. Honesty with self is not hard, yet many struggle to do so. Committing to be resilient isn’t hard, but discomfort offers every excuse to quit. Utilizing the ability to maintain focus is not hard, but being distracted is an easy alternative in comparison to extending effort through unknown durations of time. Being absent of fear and failure is not hard, unless you have not prepared to win.

When winning becomes the primary focus and objective over everything else, the mind, body, and competitive spirit will align and provide everything needed to win.

A winning mindset is consistently focused on winning and no other alternative. Winners win by channeling their mindset and maintaining focus until the trophy presentation.

Focus. Win. Repeat.

