Why advertising fitness and lifestyle related products can bring you additional benefits?

Kamila Krajnik
Published in
4 min readFeb 6, 2020

Publishers worldwide have what every advertiser is searching for: traffic. The variety of users that enter websites and other channels are the target of product owners that put 51% of their budget into only mobile ads already in 2016 and this trend is increasing*. Nowadays, internet is the place where efficient advertising takes place, so advertisers became really focused on this field and decided to invest in digital promotion knowing that this is what can bring them substantial profit. Presenting numbers: according to the researches for 2005–2019 the increase of people using Internet was of more than 35% worldwide**. But what about publishers? What benefits can they achieve by placing ads on their channels? Is there any reason why advertising fitness/lifestyle products can be especially interesting and beneficial for them? It is the beginning of 2020 and many have their resolutions related to healthier lifestyle searching for ways of staying fit. For the audience especially, ads of this type are beneficial as they can contribute to increased wellbeing and happiness.

First reason of why advertising on one’s website can be attractive is of course financial. Publishers charge advertisers depending on the types of ad they agree to implement and on the channel they use. Using different ones can definitely boost sales as for example: close to half the world’s population (3.03 billion people) are on some type of social media and 1.57 billion YouTube users watch about 5 billion videos on average every single day***.

The prices vary depending on the channel, for instance publishers with Instagram accounts prefer charging for posts and stories using flat fees. Those can range from small amounts like 10–20 EUR to even 300 EUR per post. Another interesting model that can be used by publishers is performance model which can provide even more benefits as advertisers usually have budgets of even 1000 EUR daily for online promotion.

In performance model the advertiser pays every time the user does a specific action (it can be downloads of an app, subscription to a service, submitting data etc.). It requires more creativity from a publisher, so that both sides are focused on maximising the results. It is strongly recommended that the product is aligned with the vertical of a channel, so that its visitors will be more likely to perform a specific interaction with the ad.

Secondly, by providing correct ad on the website a publisher gives his audience what they potentially look for. If a channel is related to yoga and meditation it will be a very good move to use ads related to those topics. Users not only can enjoy your content but additionally can find products or services related to it. It is totally not recommended to do the advertising just for financial reasons (and inserting ads of products completely not related) as this can confuse the users and also disturb them — especially when using the most intruding ad formats. What user searches for is to be able to see the content that is interesting for him and not being interrupted by ads that have nothing to do with his area of interest. Therefore, it is essential to remember about the users and having their interests in mind while choosing the advertised products.

The last but not least, products related to fitness and lifestyle can add a new value to a website. Even if the channel is not related to those topics directly, users might be interested in the products anyway as they represent universal areas of life. Undoubtedly, if a channel is fitness related it is even more likely the user will make a click. If it is not, you are promoting products that have a positive outcome in general in people’s lives — so even if not achieving a specific action, publisher is raising consciousness of his users somehow. The same can happen with meditation related campaigns or those related to wellbeing. As an example, there are two products on the market worth recommending: Fitney or Fitnest. They directly contribute to staying more fit as they offer series of videos, manuals and plans of trainings so the user is able to keep track of his progress. In terms of meditations, Focusly could be a good choice. Its use can help the users in practicing their discipline and learn how to focus and do beneficial meditation.

All in all, implementing ads on a website or any other channel that attract traffic on regular basis is without doubt beneficial for a publisher. The key point is to always consider not only financial benefits, but also others such as providing users with products that they search for. It is also crucial to work with different pricing models (for example performance model), as this opens new possibilities of boosting revenue. However, what must be absolutely the highest priority is to always keep in mind users’ needs, so that they keep being interested in publisher’s channel and in the same time are satisfied with services advertised — those related to the main topic and also universal ones, such as fitness and lifestyle.

* https://www.omnicoreagency.com/digital-marketing-statistics/

** https://www.smartinsights.com/marketplace-analysis/customer-analysis/digital-marketing-statistics-sources/

*** https://www.omnicoreagency.com/digital-marketing-statistics/

