Aman dance educators/photo by nathan wheadon

2013 Arts Teach Showcase at Segerstrom Center for the Arts

Costa Mesa, CA
Performing Arts in OC
3 min readMay 31, 2013


The 2013 Arts Teach Showcase was held at Segerstrom Center for the Arts in Costa Mesa on May 22, 2013. The showcase is an annual event hosted by the Center and enables local school representatives a unique opportunity to see artists perform, then meet with the artists and other art educators.

SCFTA invites over 60 performing artists with disciplines in dance, music and theater to perform a short set during the showcase. It is a unique and effective method for both the schools and artists to work together. Aside from the entertainment students get, the artists offer cultural insights, problem solving solutions, exercise, tolerance, alternative learning techniques and much more.

Backhaus Dance at SCFTA

The Arts Teach is one of many ways Segerstrom Center for the Arts is dedicated to bringing the arts to the young people of Orange County and beyond. Hundreds of schools from seven counties in California are represented at Arts Teach. Last year, thousands of students were exposed to the arts because of Arts Teach.

As part of the education series, the Arts Teach Workshop allows educators easy access to many artists and allows the artists the opportunity to perform at the schools. After the performances, the artists meet with school representatives in the concourse of the Renee and Henry Segerstrom Concert Hall.

Arte Flamenco Dance Theatre

The diverse lineup of talented artists gives schools a wide variety of programs to choose from. With so many options, there is an artist or program that could fit perfectly with any grade, school or education level curriculum. It is a great way for students to experience the arts and perfect for any family night, school assembly or special event.

We Tell Stories

Along with the artists and workshops, SCFTA Arts Teach also allows schools to sign up for a residency program. The residency program is where artists meet with teachers to create content that aligns with curriculum needs while exposing students to creative outlets. There are residency options that encourage parent participation and others that host training sessions for faculty members.

The residencies are a great way to bridge the gap between arts education and current school curriculums and budgets. It also creates a creative atmosphere where students, teachers and parents can all interact and grow together. Arts education for schools starts in the City of the Arts, Costa Mesa, at Segerstrom Center for the Arts.

The Nutcracker on stage at SCFTA



Costa Mesa, CA
Performing Arts in OC

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