Details of $PERI Liquidity Mining on DEX(Uniswap, Pancakeswap, Quickswap)

Pynths Protocol
PERI Finance
Published in
3 min readSep 8, 2021

Liquidity Mining, also known as yield farming, is one of the productive and effective ways to increase your cryptocurrency assets. Many DeFi projects are hustling to create a liquidity pool in decentralized exchanges to solve the low liquidity problem and guarantee the price of a token does not swing significantly after performing the order of a single large trade.

The core of Liquidity Pool is the users called liquidity providers (LP) add an equal value of two tokens in a pool to create a market. In exchange for providing their funds, they earn trading fees from the trades that happen in their pool, proportional to their share of the total liquidity. So more trading happens in the DEX, the provider receives more funds. However, if there are not enough tradings in the pool, the provider cannot earn benefit from the providing.

To boost the issue, many projects usually provide LP token pool with high APY. The LP Token contains the same value with the size of liquidity providing, which is given to the user after provides liquidity in the pool. This token is then staked in a new pool in order to earn a yield. So the users can receive both commissions of trading fee and high yield thorough providing the liquidity.

PERI Finance also supports this encouraging program. So in this article, we are introducing the detail of the PERI LP rewards program.

Introducing PERI Finance LP Rewards Program

PERI Finance currently provides a liquidity pool at Uniswap, PancakeSwap, and QuickSwap. The Liquidity Providers can provide the equal value of two tokens into DEXes and receive the LP tokens.

Image: LP Token Staking APY from 08th, September 2021

Let's assume with the above APY. If the user provide 20 PERI valued as $100 and 0.03 ETH valued as $100 to the pool and received the LP token then staked it into the PERI Finance Staking dApp. The estimating calculation for increasing rate for staking rewards is up to 54% in 8 weeks. There is no barrier to un-stake. You can claim the reward for the LP token staking on the ‘reward’ page on weekly basis.

<PERI Finance Staking dApp>

While staking LP token on staking dApp, you still receive the commission of trading. Whenever a trade occurs, users earn a minimum 0.3% fee, pro-rata basis to all LPs in the pool at the moment of the trade. In addition, by staking LP tokens in the PERI Staking dApp, users earn a high percentage of PERI APY on a pro-rata basis.


Since the 08th Aug has started, the PERI LP reward program has about 8 weeks left, and it’s still providing about 300% of high-percentage Aunnal. Please check the detailed guide about participating in the LP reward program!Earn High Revenue from Your Assets!



Pynths Protocol
PERI Finance

Pynths Protocol is developing 'PERI Finance', a decentralized cross-chain synthetic issuance and derivative exchange and 'NEND', an NFT monetization platform