Launched Pynths DEX Testnet — PERI Finance

Pynths Protocol
PERI Finance
Published in
2 min readDec 29, 2021

We’re thrilled to announce that our Pynths(PERI synthetic asset) Decentralized exchange testnet has launched on Moonbase Alpha.

Please access Pynths DEX testnet through the URL below:

Functions preview on PERI. DEX

In PERI DEX, these functions will include:

Trading Pynths(PERI Synthetic assets) on Moonbeam’s testnet, Moonbase alpha on Polkadot

Users can trade Pynths through their minted pUSD token. At this moment, we support pUSD, pBTC, pETH, pBNB, and pLINK for trading Pynths on DEX platform. We will support various kinds of Pynths such as a synthesized blockchain asset (pXRP, pSUSHI, etc), stocks(pTSLA, pCOIN, pAMZN, etc), commodities (pXAU, pXAG, pWTI, etc.), inverse products(piBTC, piETH, piTSLA, piXAU, etc). A wide range of financial assets will provide to users by trade with the minted pUSD, and users don’t need to buy or hold original assets.

Cross-chain $PERI, $pUSD asset migration through PERI. Bridge

We provide users to migrate their PERI and pUSD assets through the bridge on DEX platform. This will help PERI holders to easily access DEX on Moonriver, who have their staked assets on Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, and Polygon networks.

Pynths asset overview

Traded Pynths assets can check on the assets page. Assets page included with users' current Pynths assets value and overall trade histories.

PERI Finance will keep updating the DEX dApp with testnet beta and launch Mainnet to users. Please stay tuned for further news!



Pynths Protocol
PERI Finance

Pynths Protocol is developing 'PERI Finance', a decentralized cross-chain synthetic issuance and derivative exchange and 'NEND', an NFT monetization platform