PERI Finance X CryptoRevolution AMA Recap

Pynths Protocol
PERI Finance
Published in
4 min readMay 31, 2021

AMA Info
Date: 13:00 UTC, May 27th, 2021
Price: $50 for The Best Question User

Part 1. Introduction

Danny | Founder of Crypto Revolution: Could you please introduce Peri Finance in Layman’s term to the Community?

Gareth Bowles | Co-Founder of PERI Finance: Sure. PERI Finance is to build all kinds of synthetic assets DEX on Polkadot.
We are building a synthetic asset DEX where everyone is able to collateralize PERI, USDC, and NFT to seize the opportunity of on/off-chain and traditional finance/non-finance assets’ value fluctuation.
Also, the platform will provide both simple and leveraged synthetic assets called Pynths, and this will attract arbitrageurs and increase trade volume, benefitting the stakers.

Danny: How people can buy Peri?

Gareth: Currently PERI is listed on Gateio and MXC for CeX and UniSwap/Pancakeswap for DeX.

Danny: What are your current Partnerships that bring benefits to Peri Holders and are you working on new ones at the moment?

Gareth: First of all, we have various leading Crypto Venture Capitals like LD, M6, Dasheng, MoonWhale, and so on. Also, we keep contacting new partners that are at the head of the crypto-industry.

Danny: One of the issues upon Listing was the Liquidity. You guys working on it to bring better Liquidity for Traders and Buyers?

Gareth: Yes, we keep working on it. But it is a little bit struggle due to the recent crypto market situation.

Danny: What are your Marketing plans for the upcoming weeks/months?

Gareth: We will finish the Meme character contest very soon. And also for the UniSwap Liquidity reward program is still open now. For the user’s communication with us, we will keep participating in various AMA sessions.
And here’s the link as below:

Part 2. Collected Questions From Users

Q1. What is the PERI FINANCE vision about the industry which you are working on? Are you afraid someday there will be another project with more innovative technology that can replace your project?

A1. I’ll explain the future with the near roadmap first:
2Q 2021: Staking dApp launch on Ethereum Mainnet, DAO launch
3Q 2021: DEX dApp launch on Polkadot parachain Mainnet, add NFT synthetic asset
4Q 2021: Add Perpetual Futures swap
Nowadays there are a variety of Defi products are launching now, and we know that this competition will be more severe. But we keep developing our products as the following roadmap, and we constantly adapt brand-new Defi solutions to our product.

Q2. How does the PERI token work in Your ecosystem, and is there any benefit for users to buy tokens in the long run?

A2. PERI tokens can be used for staking, minting the pUSD, and PERIDAO’s governance voting. As you see the Tokenomics, we have distributed PERI token to the stakeholder the most, so I can guarantee that long-term stakeholder for the PERI will receive staking benefit, for the reward of providing liquidity pool.
I will give an infographic for the PERI overview:

Q3. Can you list 1 or 2 deadly features that make the PERI project stand out from its competitors? What competitive advantage does your platform have that makes you feel the most confidence in yourself?

A3. Compared to any other Defi products, PERI Finance is building not only simple synthetic assets but also leveraged synthetic assets, Perpetual Futures swap. Everyone can trade pBTC and pBTC×20 by just staking PERI.

Q4. What are your actions to keep your platform safe for Investors? is your platform protected from hackers? how safe is your platform? And how do you manage if there is an attack on your platform, including the personal data of your platform users? Is your platform ready for this?

A4. We do know that the security issue is more important than any other thing. So the Certik started auditing our product several days ago, and the result will be announced in June.
And also, we do provide solutions to current security issues suffering Defi-projects such as front running and flash loan by harnessing Layer2 with OVM(Optimistic Virtual Machine), thus make users’ information keep safe.

Q5. What concrete steps have taken as a blockchain DeFi platform to compete and become a leader with similar competitors?

A5. We do develop products based on the roadmaps that I mentioned in the previous question, whether the market condition is good or bad.
PERI Finance is a long-range DeFi project. If users do support by participating staking program, we will certainly do reward about it.
Staking dApp service will start in June, so stay tuned for further news.

Q6. A large number of failed projects, or projects that are fraudulent, has several key characteristics: There is no active communication with the community and anonymous developers.
Can the PERI team handle this? And does the PERI team have a good relationship with the community and users?

A6. As you see on the Global Telegram channel, Twitter, Medium page, we do have consistent communication between users and us. For the anxiety about the anonymous developers’ issues, we have categorized code lists on an opened Github page. Also, you can access details about the members’ list of PERI Finance on the LinkedIn page. We will keep focusing on the user’s opinion, and you can ask about our product to the community managers on the telegram anytime.

Need more info? Check below for more information about PERI Finance!

Twitter :
Medium :
Discord :
Telegram :



Pynths Protocol
PERI Finance

Pynths Protocol is developing 'PERI Finance', a decentralized cross-chain synthetic issuance and derivative exchange and 'NEND', an NFT monetization platform