Ex-Pat Life

The Odd Happiness of Convenience

Especially in a foreign country

Élan Loves Expression
Perihelion Peregrinations
4 min readMay 5, 2021


A Hong Kong street corner at night in the rain with neon signs brightly lit in reds, green, and white and public transit vans parked on one side; one lone pedestrian visible with a black umbrella up walking with his back facing away from the viewer.
Photo by Sean Foley on Unsplash

Check out the publication, Perehelion Peregrinations. Just as traveling close to the sun would be bound to be full of adventurous tales — should we live to tell it! — so we should expect when traveling through life and its various intersections abroad, with people, places, and times. Check back often or follow the publication for more stories like this. Thank you for visiting!

This is part of a series of ex-pat stories in a foreign country — the maddening, curious, or interesting moments and encounters during the everyday normal activities. This is just one of many stories for you to enjoy.

I live a strange life. I don’t know if I intended it or if I am building it out of a defense mechanism for myself, but I have built some kind of bubble around myself. I don’t join the droves of rush-hour commuters in the morning or evening to scramble to and from a stressful desk job; I don’t eat out often (I save my money and cook several healthy meals for myself everyday); I don’t watch TV or go to the movies; I don’t also often meet up with friends unless it is for an event or special occasion (I’ve gone out in my 20’s every weekend for drinks and dinners out and created a deep credit card debt, and I sort of dislike splitting bills evenly when I…

