Five Movies to Watch on Your Period

Eden Kagwiria Nyaga
Published in
2 min readJul 22, 2018

Periods can be an emotionally draining and demanding time.
Nevertheless, do not fret; I have compiled a list of the five best movies to watch on your period. I promise it will keep aunt flow pleased.

1. Ibiza

Poster: Wiki

This movie had me laughing almost every minute. Follow along as three friends take a trip to Ibiza and encounter hilarious adventures along the way.

2. When We First Met

Poster: Wiki

Having trouble getting out of the friend zone? Perhaps you waited too long and now it’s too late? This is the exact debacle this movie highlights. Luckily, you have a chance to travel back in time with the characters and watch as he gives it a second shot.


Poster: Wiki

In a world where social media plays such a huge role in our lives, a high school student ends up succumbing to social norms and expectations to fit in. Sounds relatable? Then follow along this tale of self-discovery, fun, and acceptance.

4. Brain on Fire

Photo: IMDb

Imagine suddenly falling ill. Your condition worsens with each passing day and even the most experienced medical practitioners can’t give you a diagnosis. What would you do? Follow this thrilling movie with unexpected twists and turns sure to leave you at the edge of you seat.

5. The Female Brain

Photo: IMDb

Research shows that male and female brains are wired very differently. The Female Brain explores this in a hilarious and entertaining way. A must watch movie.

Comment on which one you watched or which one was your favourite!

