Bullet Journaling 101

Victoria Geh
Published in
4 min readJul 9, 2018
June Monthly Title

Bullet journaling.

You may wonder if that’s just having bullet points in a journal. You’re not wrong: that’s exactly what it is. Although people may have some misconceptions about it, because it is a challenge, bullet journaling really isn’t there to scare you. To start a bullet journal essentially means to take control of your own life. There is that sense of empowerment in planning what you want to do, in creating a support system all by yourself; it becomes a part of you.

And that is why this is going to be a fast run down of a possible way to bullet journal!

Inspirational quote
I always start off with an inspirational quote on one page — whatever fits the current vibe of the month. I usually opt for a two-color theme and try to make it fancy with typography. Practice makes perfect, which is why a scrap piece of paper is always useful to have on the side. Sometimes I mess up, and sometimes I don’t, and that is honestly okay; this bullet journal is meant for mistakes.

Title page of the month
Obviously, this is the best way to feel a fresh start and make a grand entrance. Below the name of the month, I write out a monthly calendar just for reference. And to top it off, a few stickers and washi tape will do the trick.

A monthly tracker has stuck with me for as long as I’ve had a bullet journal, so it is one of those fundamental aspects of keeping order in my life. I track a few daily tasks and my sleep hours, so I can get a general gist of how my month is doing. A few of these tasks include eating healthy, reading, showering, period(!), and putting on retainers.

Mood board
I think this is pretty self-explanatory, and I love the concept of a mood board. I print out a few aesthetic photos from the internet and they will usually culminate to a calming and motivating spread. Of course, these photos can also include ones you took yourself! Having images of friends and family also keep me going on days that aren’t the best.

Goals + Favorites
This section is one that values the future and the past. A bullet journal is a great place to keep two or three goals, especially if you do use it every day to fill in tasks and to-do’s. Not only that, the favorites section is perfect whenever I look back and think of all the things I appreciate and love.

Goals / Favorites / Sentences

A sentence a day
Similar to favorites, having one sentence a day keeps note of how I felt across the entire month. I summarize my general mood for the day, which is always a great way to reflect on just how I spend my time.

As someone who has struggled with eating healthily and moderately, this section keeps me accountable. I track the three meals and a snack each day, simply to notice what I put in my stomach. Although it may feel tedious at times, this routine motivates me to be more conscious of what my body is agreeing with.

As someone who is complete crap at controlling the amount I spend, this page reminds me of getting my spending in check and boosting my self-control. The layout is fairly standard — I have the date, the object, and the amount on each line. My spending still is a problem, but I do hope that I am improving each day!

This is where the journaling part of my bullet journal comes in. At the start of each month, I leave the page blank, except for a header. Whenever I feel a strong burst of emotion, I flip to this page and jot down any and all thoughts.

Weekly layouts
For each week, I base my spread on the Muji layout. Because a week in the life can get extremely busy with all the assignments and extracurricular activities, I found that having one page with the week dates all planned out and the other side of the page blank helps me structure the week. This layout is a great organizational tool for simply anyone who has a lot going on.

At the end of each month, I print out four Polaroids that highlight the good memories that have passed. Simply put, this is the journal aspect of a bullet journal.

To be honest, finding the right set up and pages does require experimentation, so don’t feel pressured or anxious about finding the perfect routine straight away. I know I definitely didn’t. Even though I’m on my third bullet journal, I know there is still plenty of room for improvement.

Anyway, hopefully this helped and good luck to you all! If you are curious for picture inspiration, check out @mohtivations on Instagram and Tumblr!

