Navigating Private Schools as a Woman of Color

Aay-Janae Taylor
Published in
2 min readJul 11, 2018

Little girls with coily yet kinky hair, adorned with sun-kissed skin and features just as broad as our backgrounds have entered a world of unknown. I was appreciative yet scared nonetheless. Delving into the atmosphere of private school has truly been a gift; however, it has come with a few repercussions. Being black and a young woman comes with baggage and most certainly, guides our experiences. Diving into the sea of a vastly different environment can not only be shocking culturally, but emotionally as well. Sadly, our worth will be tested more than once because not only are we young women, but our skin makes us all the more threatening. It is key to remember, you deserve to be there and you should not question your worth or validity.

Sexist, racist, ignorant comments will come- and surely they will tear you down, make you want to leave, or just straight up quit. Unfortunately, running away is not the way to go, but instead rolling with the punches. I want to be able to say there is a solution to all of these problems but that would be a lie. The way through those tantalizing four years, is by finding your inner peace, or in other words loving yourself. Self love, is the greatest gift you will ever be able to give yourself. Once you master this form of love, all other forms of negativity seem to vanish. The negativity realistically becomes bearable to the point where ignorance does not make you bat a lash. That is the type of peace you want to reach.

I want you to know it is okay to want to be alone at times and not have to explain yourself. It is okay for you not to get along with everyone. You are human as well and are able to have preferences and standards; don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. It is okay to be loud, opinionated, strong, and willing; it is important to not let stereotypes dull your shine. Finding the love you harbor inside for yourself will not come easy, it is in fact a journey but it is worthwhile. Once you do possess this power, my only wish is that your love is so infectious, it becomes influential to all of the other sun-kissed babies out there.


Aay-Janae (A Sun-Kissed Baby)

