California Tampon Tax, We Want You OUT!

Audrey Huang
Published in
2 min readJul 20, 2018

Sign the petition —

California Tampon Tax — WE WANT YOU OUT!

Menstrual products are NOT luxury items, yet according to California law (and that of 35 other states), they are deemed as non-essential goods. These necessities, which manage natural bodily functions, are charged at a hefty sales tax rate of 7.25%. Every year, Californian menstruators are losing approximately $20 million just on a sales tax for hygiene. On top of that, this is the only gender-specific tax left in California. To end this, Period has launched a petition to urge citizens and lawmakers that menstrual hygiene is a necessity.

For the next 30 days, our petition will be available for people nationwide to sign and promote. This is not the first time a campaign was created for the cause. Two years ago, Jerry Brown vetoed a bill that would have repealed the tax on menstrual products in California. Additionally, the Assembly Bill 479, was repealed in 2017. Brown defended his stance by claiming that the tax cut would cost “the General Fund money,” because “the state’s budget remains precariously balanced.” However, to rely on revenue from only one gender is undoubtedly discriminatory. By repealing the bills, he sent a clear message to all menstruators in California: that periods are a luxury.

As we all know, menstruators do not have a choice when it comes to periods; thus, states should stop charging them as so. With 100,000 signatures, our petition will be eligible to be reviewed by Congress. We are here to instigate change for millions of individuals in California.

Sign, share and promote this petition. Your contribution will let California State Legislatures know that people should NOT have to pay a premium on a natural, bodily function.

