Smash the Stigma

Reanna Shah
Published in
2 min readJul 12, 2018

This is the generation of change. For years, beliefs have always come with a preconceived stereotype. Lets take sexual harassment, for example. Previously, there was little talk about the mishaps in the workplace or relationships. Women felt ashamed to reveal the truths behind the closed doors and were pressured to remain silent by the men who threatened to blackball them out of their professions or a home to live in. However, now is the time for women to reveal their stories. The #MeToo movement, an international movement against sexual harassment and assault, became a viral sensation following the several lawsuits against former film producer Harvey Weinstein. The movement ignited by several high-profile celebrities inspired women all throughout the world; it made people feel comfortable with expressing their stories and empowered to stick up for themselves. It made women more confident and proud to tell their story. Women are now being seen as powerful, strong, and confident; they are fighting for equal standards and proving a point that sexual misconduct is NOT acceptable. The #MeToo movement SMASHED THE STIGMA!

This is exactly what the Menstrual Movement is on the mission to accomplish. For years, many people associated dirt, disgust, shame, and even fear with menstruation. Society always believed the menstrual cycle was something that should not be discussed outside of the house. Even during middle school health classes, students would always feel uncomfortable and laugh about menstruation. Girls always felt embarrassed to express their feelings; they were forced to keep it a secret due to the preset stigma. Period, the Menstrual Movement is trying to change that. Menstruation is a bodily process that fosters reproduction and is crucial for menstruators because it regulates the hormones within their body. Menstruation is powerful, as it cannot be controlled. It is our purpose to educate the public and not only provide all menstruators the necessary products, but also to BREAK THE STIGMA and make menstruators feel comfortable with their body. It is the time to make a difference.

