Things I’ve Felt, Lately

Anika Bukkapatnam
Published in
3 min readJul 20, 2022

As a result of a narrative called life that caused me to feel





My feelings were too fiery to be spun into paragraphs.

And, as my feelings hold weight (unlike what I was trained to believe), here are my thoughts

… regarding the glass ceiling …

We were supposed to shatter glass ceilings

And yes, a few panels fell

But brick and mortar scraped our knees

As we began to tell

The shards of glass that had fall

Bled us red across the wall

Yet the rest seemed bulletproof

To every batter kept aloof

And I had only surmised it was just a chance

Since each hit ricocheted with just a glance

Since each movement barely lanced

A ceiling structure so advanced

I was sent here to shatter glass ceilings

But it seems this house will fall

Because without this glass foundation

Our tinny house would sprawl

What could have stood without this roof

Leans heavily, walls, they swell

Since we hadn’t considered that in fact

The house was glass as well

Because it isn’t a glass ceiling to shatter

It’s actually a glass floor

It’s glass walls, glass everything

Glass the kitchen sink and door

Because if it was just the ceiling

We could have crashed it down and left

But alas without these panes

The house is gone, a theft

No wonder these hard aims at the ceiling

Weren’t enough, weren’t sound

Since the fragility stemmed far and wide

It dug into the ground

As this predilection for affliction

Our narratives shred, sold as fiction

Now cities and scapes that once stood for us

They crumble to shatter and fall

Reflecting that a world built on glass bricks

Was never built for us at all

… regarding my period …

Blood was always blood until

He decided that she was evil

Blood was not a sign of nature

But instead signified a loss of stature

And that blood lost her worth

Struck her down from all her mirth

For since the human was a she

She was deemed to not be free

And she was too powerful, that’s the only causation

That he sentenced she to an eternity of damnation

So every month she was cast aside

While he stood and boasted with pride

The world that was so primed and neat

Got all upheaved when she turned to the street

When she was done and the whole world cheered

Up up up it was up she was geared

She wore the kings and shook them down

What was hers, some finally found

She triumphed for she was truly magic

Wouldn’t fall fool for all the trick

And yet when she could raise her voice

It seemed that she still had no choice

For tampons and pads, they still cost millions

He was sitting there counting his billions

She would die struck by the shock

And all he would hear would be the clock

After the 9–5, he’d count his money

Not caring for the blood, the blood so runny

And it was the monetization of pain

That caused her tears to rain and rain

For it seemed that she would never be equal

Each move for justice was just a sequel

But it seems that when enough voice would scream

Through the clouds would be a beam

A little by little the tax would ease

But, there was no cool summer breeze

Storms now, angry, they roar

Rattle each and every cabinet door

So that the bleeders would rise up strong

Yet, for basic humanity, they still have to long

… regarding the state of the world …

You’ll be okay

I’ll be okay

We, We will, We’ll be okay

Just wear a mask

It’ll all be okay

Wear it the right way

Over your nose

And you’ll be okay

Wear it straight

I mean be straight

Yeah, we’ll be okay

I’ll be okay

You’ll be okay

Just wash your hands

With gold bars

Mmhmm, we’ll be okay

If we’re all just rich

And white

We’ll be okay

You’ll be okay

I’ll be okay

That all you need to do

Be able to do

Yes, you need to be abled too

You’ll be okay

I think

Scratch that

Will I be okay?

Will you be okay?



I hope

We’ll be okay




I don’t know

But, for now

That’s okay.

