Unashamed and Empowered

Period shaming stops now.

Emma Boothroyd
2 min readJul 7, 2018


Photo Courtesy of Buzzfeed

Period shaming is a widespread issue that can occur directly or subconsciously, and it happens more than you might think. From not talking about periods, to attributing emotions to menstruation, period shaming is everywhere, and it needs to stop. Around 50% of the population of the world menstruates, and nobody would be here without periods. The period stigma prevents necessary conversations that allow people to talk freely and not be ashamed about menstruation. It should not be uncomfortable to talk about something all menstruators face every month.

Today’s society shames menstruators as “unclean” and “emotional” to cover up periods. A lot has changed from past generations, but more improvement still needs to happen. Things like code names for periods prove the unnecessary embarrassment menstruators feel because of the constant taboo. I, as well as many others, have personally experienced the struggle to hide a pad up my sleeve in a race to the bathroom. Or having others blame my emotions and actions on the fact that it was “my time of the month.” Whether intentionally or not, period shaming twists the views of healthy menstruation into something we should hide and be ashamed of. So help push the incoming change and be proud and accepting of periods, menstruator or nonmenstruator.

