“Unite the Right” Rally Set to Happen in DC

Lily Chu
Published in
3 min readAug 10, 2018
Photo: MIKE NELSON/EPA/REX/Shutterstock

Exactly one year ago, white supremacists took to Charlottesville for their first “Unite the Right” Rally, that ended violently with the brutal beating of many, as well as the murder of Heather Heyer. This weekend, the second “Unite the Right” rally is set to happen in Washington, DC, after the city of Charlottesville denied all permits for the rally to happen in Emancipation Park. The rally is said to be to “protest civil rights abuses in Charlottesville” by its organizers; however, what exact abuses of civil rights they are referring to is unclear.

On Wednesday, August 8th, the governor of Virginia, Democrat Ralph Northam, declared a state of emergency ahead of the rally. By declaring a state of emergency, state and local operations are able to coordinate better, as well as allocate more funds to pay for extra enforcement operations. Virginia’s National Guard will also be authorized to assist in the potential impacts of the event. The Charlottesville city manager warned the public to expect a heavy police presence and road closure the weekend of the rally.

Many are confused as to why the “Unite the Right” rally is even allowed to happen, especially with last year’s protest having a violent end. However, DC officials said they must allow the event to happen due to the First Amendment. Fortunately, that means counter protesters are also allowed, and over 22 organizers from groups included Black Lives Matter DC and Maryland Antifa are planning a mass counter protest. “This is for Heather Heyer, ICE abolition, open borders, dismantling the prison industrial complex, and ending the settler colonial system. We will confront fascism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, white supremacy, and state violence on August 10–12,” reads the counter protest’s website.

Officials from across the DC area are making plans to keep the white-supremacist protesters separate from the counter protesters in hopes of deterring any potential violence, although both groups have been given permission to gather at Lafayette Park. Earlier, there were plans to even have separate trains for the “Unite the Right” protesters to arrive in, in order to prevent violence from breaking out. However, the transit union’s membership is mostly comprised of people of color- the exact people that many “Unite the Right” protesters are going to protest against. The separate trains plan is no longer on the table.

For those that want to support the counter protesters, but can’t make it to DC this weekend, don’t worry! There are still ways you can join the fight against “Unite the Right”.

1) Activists across the country are holding several effects over the course of the weekend, including Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Nevada. See if there is a protest near you that you can attend!

2) Donate! There are over 30 activist groups including Black Lives Matter that are organizing a mass counter protest, however these events take a lot of time, planning, and money. Donating to these groups will help them have more and better resources to execute their counter- protest the best they can.

3) Promote activist groups on social media! Most of the groups organizing the counter protest are active on social media, and by sharing their messages and content, you can help expand the reach of their words for more to hear.

