Artist’s impression of Shimano Singapore’s facility in Jurong Innovation District. Photo: Shimano Singapore

Fuelling innovation in an industrial park of the future

Periscope: A JTC Magazine
3 min readJul 2, 2018


Shimano Singapore, the local arm of the global bicycle components innovator, shares about its upcoming state-of-the-art facility in Jurong Innovation District.

By Tay Qiao Wei

What will a “factory of the future” look like? Shimano Inc. has already started to realise its vision for technology-intensive facilities, with fully digital manufacturing processes supported by research and technology such as robots, the Internet of Things and autonomous guided vehicles.

The Japanese multinational manufacturer of bicycle components, fishing tackle and rowing equipment will set up its first overseas “intelligent” plant in Southeast Asia. It is no coincidence that Shimano established its first bicycle component assembly centre outside of Japan 45 years ago in Singapore. Since then, its factory at Benoi sector has grown into a full-fledged manufacturing plant with design, engineering and manufacturing capabilities.

A high-precision machine that produces bicycle parts in the interior of Shimano Singapore’s factory at Benoi. Photo: Shimano Inc.

One crucial factor behind choosing Singapore for the new factory was the parallel between the company’s vision and the upcoming Jurong Innovation District (JID), which aims to become a living lab for innovators, makers, entrepreneurs and businesses.

Shimano Singapore’s Managing Director, Mr Chia Chin Seng, was “intrigued and excited” by the possibilities when he first heard about JID.

“Singapore’s earlier industrial estates were developed for specific industries focused mostly on production, [but] JID recognises that nowadays, research, innovation and production are closely intertwined,” says Mr Chia.

The 600-hectare district aims to host an advanced manufacturing ecosystem, with the full value chain of activities from research and development to design, prototyping, production and distribution.

“Collaborating with other like-minded neighbours who are forward-looking and inspired by Industry 4.0 will facilitate Shimano in realising our dream of advanced manufacturing and Industrial Internet of Things.”

— Mr Chia Chin Seng, Managing Director of Shimano Singapore

Come 2020, when Shimano Singapore moves into JID, it would be in proximity to not just other companies, but also researchers and innovators from neighbouring incubators, research institutions and the Nanyang Technological University. The company hopes to work with industry experts and academia based in JID to develop and testbed new technology, and integrate these into their products.

This paves the way for partnerships that the company sees as crucial for innovation. “Without collaboration and the cross-disciplinary fertilisation that it enables, it’s difficult to generate radically new ideas,” says Mr Chia. “Also, ideas need to go through further research, experiment and testing before we can embark on prototyping, production and distribution.”

Its new JID facility will emulate the technology and setup of Shimano’s headquarters in Osaka, such as by using real-time data analytics to optimise performance and employing robotics and automated solutions to increase productivity.

The “viewing factory” at Shimano’s headquarters in Osaka, Japan, where visitors get a glimpse into automated operations from a mezzanine. Photo: Shimano Inc.

One aim is to eliminate existing bottlenecks at the company’s Benoi plant. “Our current factory was built 45 years ago with very different products and process in mind, and has its infrastructure limitations,” explains Mr Chia.

The company’s Factory of the Future in JID will put it in good stead over the upcoming decades through “high value creation in product design, smart processes and an innovative workforce”.

He adds, “Collaborating with other like-minded neighbours who are forward-looking and inspired by Industry 4.0 will facilitate Shimano in realising our dream of advanced manufacturing and Industrial Internet of Things. This will also boost the talent pool, which is crucial for our future endeavours.”

For local cycling enthusiasts, do check out Shimano Cycling World at the Singapore Sports Hub.

