SAP Add Custom Search help to standard. Use elementary and Collective search help

Peritos Solutions
Peritos Solutions
Published in
5 min readOct 6, 2019


This blog discusses how you could add SAP custom Search help to standard search help and also troubleshoot why the SAP custom search help does not return any values even when user selected multiple . It covers below topic areas:

  1. Check how to find the technical name of the search help being used
  2. Add custom search help by modifying the standard search help
  3. Fix the issue for user being able to see any option returned when selecting multiple options in the search help window.

Find the technical information for the specific search help by clicking F1 and find the table name as V_PRSMP

Using “where-used” to find the specific search help that uses the table

Below is the search help which uses that view.

Check PRSMP search help and find that it is an elementary search help. So, check if there is any other search help linked to it. Found the search help PRSM from the where used

Below screen shows PRSMP is linked to PRSM search help.

The search help PRSM is a collective search help. Find the corresponding user exit in which the breakpoint can be set to understand how it works or check on the individual search help in the ‘Included search helps’ option to find other search help related to this.

Add SAP custom search help to Collective search help.

Created a custom search help as below with the selection method as a view which fetches the result

This view has a join with table PROJ

There can be other kinds of search help you could create. Below shows another example of a search help having selection method and search help exit.

For this requirement, an elementary search help is added which us ZSH_PRSM it in the collective search help “Included search help” Section as below

After debugging there seems to be some parameter missing which caused the issue of not being able to populate the value from the search help. Read more on the section below

Reported issue:

Multi-selection search help did not return any values.

Using Multiple selection button user needs to populate more than 1 WBS elements

Custom search help created can be seen below as “Project attributes”

User can choose to select multiple options as seen below and click on green button to proceed ahead.

There was no value returned

Fix search help not returning result issue:

To start debugging popup since you cannot type /h to debug just drop the file on the GUI for the specific screen which has pop up and you would open up the debug screen. Use a notepad screen and save a txt file with below text and this can help you to debug.


Found in debugging a parameter missing which caused the issue. There was a missing assignment of the elementary search help to the collective search help. Assign button was clicked and then copy this helped to fix the issue and the selection of the search help was returned back on the display screen.


So this is how you could use Elementary and Collective search help. Create your Own search help and add in the collective search help and also some tips on how you could debug pop-ups in SAP.

Hope you found this useful. Please share your comments and feedback. Note that the original article was posted on below link

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Peritos Solutions
Peritos Solutions

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