Blockchain Developer Adoption — CTO Insights -REN, Zilliqa, Perlin

Insights from some of the industry’s top #BUIDLers & also learn about our live decentralised chat code session!

Liew Jia Jun
4 min readAug 8, 2019


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Perlin CTO JAM (ft. REN, Zilliqa)

On 1st August 2019, we organised a community event at PayPal Innovation Lab titled “Crypto CTO Jam — Solving The Scalability Trilemma”. The agenda of the event was on tackling scalability trilemma and blockchain developer adoption.

Video Recording:
(The audio is a bit off so you may have to increase the volume to max)

The seats were filled with folks from all walks of life who were eager to learn from the best CTOs in the blockchain space — ranging from people who just want to learn about blockchain to people who wish to implement blockchain solutions into their business!

CTO & Co-founder of Perlin, Kenta Iwasaki, kick-started the event with a presentation on tackling the scalability trilemma and how the leaderless Wavelet consensus model solves the critical issues that have plagued all other public blockchains.

Wavelet Querying Protocol

Wavelet’s Leaderless Proof-of-Stake(LPOS) and WebAssembly(WASM) support had the crowd buzzing — with many who believe that Wavelet’s LPOS model will spearhead the next wave of mass adoption for blockchain.

If we think back on why blockchain has captured people’s imaginations, it was the concept of having leaderless decentralized governance. Other POS projects allow this core principle to be seriously compromised with the adoption of committees and centralized supernodes to enable scalability and speed. Wavelet marries truly leaderless consensus with commercial speed and scalability — this is how blockchain will achieve mass adoption.
— CTO of Perlin, Kenta Iwasaki

Left-Right: Zilliqa CTO Yaoqi Jia, Perlin CTO Kenta Iwasaki, REN CTO Loong Wang, Perlin CEO Dorjee Sun

Up next was the much-anticipated panel with the top CTOs of the blockchain space. Moderated by Perlin CEO Dorjee Sun — the panel speakers were REN CTO Loong Wang, Zilliqa CTO Yaoqi Jia and Perlin CTO Kenta Iwasaki.

The panel speakers shared their vision for blockchain technology, developer adoption and also touched on the controversial Facebook Libra project.

With the topic of developer adoption being the highlight of the panel, the CTOs fully agreed that the main key to further blockchain adoption has to start with developers, especially those not already in the blockchain space. Zilliqa CTO Yaoqi Jia praised Wavelet’s WASM support:

I think it is brilliant, it is very painful to educate developers to learn a new language — the learning curve is just too steep. With WASM, it would be very convenient for developers to develop smart contracts as it supports languages such as JavaScript, Rust, C, C++

REN CTO Loong Wang also agrees that blockchain adoption has to start with developers, further emphasizing the need for drawing more developers into the decentralized ecosystem:

If we want to see larger adoption happen in 2020, it can happen but it’s not gonna happen without developers coming in first. It’s always the case with new technology — is that developers come and fall in love with it, and they build really cool stuff.

Thank you so much, Loong and Yaoqi for joining us and making the event successful and engaging!

Building a Decentralised Chat Application — Live Coding

On the 6th of August, we had a live coding session by our very own Kenta Iwasaki assisted by a few of our other team members.

The recorded video can be found here and we upgraded our audio equipment so it should be a lot better this time around!


We had people from all types of backgrounds coming to this event which included experienced developers, other blockchain projects and even non-developers who wanted to learn from scratch. We’re proud to say all of them even those who were completely green, walked away with a working decentralised chat!

Kenta introducing Wavelet and the way you make DApps

Kenta was an amazing teacher and was able to guide us from zero through to building an end-to-end decentralised application, in just under two hours. This was exactly the sort of session we want for our members.

Perlin’s Wavelet platform is one to watch, as it is evident that it was architected from the ground up to be something that developers want to build on. Thanks for putting in the effort to engineer such a great developer experience!
- Brendan Graetz, founder of
DApps Dev Club

Try it out and let us know your own thoughts, we’re dying to hear your feedback and make this the best development experience for decentralised applications in the world.

If you want to follow our Rust tutorial for building a decentralised chat you can do so, here.

Join our technical community here:

Thanks and see you next time!

