Morgan Stanley Report Predicts Carbon Off-Set Markets are Set to Surge.

CY Tan
Published in
4 min readMay 25, 2023

As the world grapples with the urgent need to address climate change, carbon offsets have emerged as a crucial tool in the fight against carbon emissions. While many companies strive to eliminate their emissions entirely, carbon offsets provide a means to mitigate the impact of existing emissions in the short term. In this article, we explore the evolving landscape of the carbon-offset market from a blockchain perspective and the opportunities it presents for investors and stakeholders.

The Growth of the Voluntary Carbon-Offset Market

According to a recent Morgan Stanley research, the voluntary carbon-offset market is poised for significant growth, with projections estimating its value to reach approximately $250 billion by 2050, up from $2 billion in 2020. Based on analysis of data from Network for Greening the Financial System, the research estimates that the world must remove at least 1 gigaton of carbon dioxide by the year 2030, though the opportunity for avoidance or reduction credits could be up to 10 gigatons per year. Despite this large requirement, research by Morgan Stanley’s ESG fixed income team estimates that currently, about 4,000 carbon-offsets projects have issued credits for roughly 1.7 billion offsets (or 1.7 gigatons of carbon). This market expansion is driven by increasing interest from investors and corporations seeking to align with sustainability goals and meet ambitious climate targets. can play a pivotal role in ensuring transparency, accountability, and efficiency within this evolving market.

Shifting Trends and Opportunities

Three fundamental shifts are reshaping the carbon offset market, creating new opportunities, and driving innovation. From reduction and avoidance to removal, the focus is transitioning from projects that prevent future emissions to those that directly remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Removal projects, such as tree planting and direct carbon capture from industrial processes, are likely to gain prominence over time, paving the way for achieving net-zero targets. Currently, projects that focus on avoiding or reducing atmospheric emissions of carbon dioxide account for 82% of the offsets market. By contrast, removal credits account for 5% of the market.

Morgan Stanley’s report also recognises the need to increased investment in carbon project development if 1 gigaton per year is to be achieved let alone 10 gigatons. Closing the investment gap to achieve net-zero requires trillions in additional investment.

Nature-based projects, primarily centered around forest conservation, currently dominate the market. However, as land availability becomes a constraint, technology-based carbon removal initiatives will increasingly take the lead. Blockchain technology can facilitate the tracking and verification of carbon removal projects, ensuring their integrity and enabling the creation of tradable digital assets representing the carbon offsets.

From an offset-centric approach, there is a growing emphasis on investment in technologies, improvements, and efficiencies that drive companies and countries toward absolute zero emissions. While offsets remain crucial in the interim, some organizations, particularly those with sector-specific decarbonization regulations, are allocating more resources to research and development. For these entities, blockchain-enabled platforms can provide transparency and facilitate investment in emerging tech solutions for achieving decarbonization goals.

The Role of Blockchain in the Carbon-Offset Market

Blockchain technology offers several advantages that can address the challenges and opportunities in the carbon-offset market. By providing an immutable and transparent ledger, blockchain ensures the traceability and authenticity of carbon offsets throughout their lifecycle. Smart contracts enable automated verification and execution of offset transactions, reducing administrative overhead and streamlining the process.

Blockchain-based platforms can also facilitate the fractionalization and tokenization of carbon offsets, making them more accessible to a broader range of investors. Tokenization allows fractional ownership and trading of carbon offsets, unlocking liquidity and creating a more dynamic market. Additionally, blockchain-based registries can maintain a comprehensive database of carbon-offset projects, promoting standardization and facilitating investor due diligence.

Furthermore, decentralized finance (DeFi) applications built on blockchain technology can unlock new avenues for funding carbon-offset projects. Through decentralized fundraising mechanisms such as the listing of PFC on PCX, project developers can secure capital and engage a global community of environmentally conscious investors.


The carbon-offset market is undergoing transformative shifts that present opportunities for investors and stakeholders alike. Blockchain technology, with its inherent transparency, traceability, and automation capabilities, can contribute significantly to the development of a robust and efficient carbon-offset ecosystem.

These challenges, present the market opportunity that is responding to through initiatives such as the Future Carbon Exchange (PCX) and Future Carbon (PFC). New environmental financial infrastructure and new environmental financial instruments are desperately needed to help close the investment gap. We also need to explore opportunities to bring DeFi solutions directly into climate solutions. Blockchain is one, very important contribution to voluntary carbon markets, but we need to mobilize our community to create pressure for real-world change.

As Morgan Stanley’s report recognizes, the challenge is real, but with that challenge comes tremendous opportunity. Now is the best time to rise to that challenge and seize that opportunity.

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