PERL Clicker | Powered by Wavelet

Say hello to a new world of crypto games; powered by Wavelet.

Kenta Iwasaki
5 min readAug 28, 2019


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There are so many amazing new dApps you can build because of Wavelet’s scalability, security, and support for WebAssembly.

Decentralized social media, productivity tools, and so much more are evermore possible because of Wavelet’s scalability.

However, time and time again, throughout our channels lies a slew of developers; in particular game developers, pondering about one single question:

Is it possible to build a game on Wavelet?

Well, does it?

After all, out there in the market exists a whole plethora of popular crypto games such as CryptoKitties, EOS Dice, and WINk running on blockchains scaling to a few thousand transactions per second.

However, let’s face reality for a moment: none of these games are in any way games that a player can truly play in real-time.

You can’t create the next Runescape, MapleStory, or Minecraft on any blockchain on the market today.

So, is it possible to build a REAL game on Wavelet?

The short, sweet answer is: Yes.

Now, for the longer answer…

Wavelet enables developers to build decentralized games that are scalable, and incredibly user-responsive like no other crypto game on the market.

31,240+ transactions per second, and 0–4 seconds finality latency per transaction.

Entitling your very next game creation to this level of scalability will let you build a crypto game that surpasses any other game in the market in terms of scalability, security, and most importantly, playability.

But of course, this is not just all talk. We were curious ourselves to what lengths Wavelet could handle in terms of hosting and scaling out a highly-responsive, real-time game.

So, we decided to create a small little game just to show you what exactly you can do with Wavelet :).

Introducing PERL Clicker!

Play now!

PERL Clicker is a game bestowed with a simple idea.

You have your friendly oyster K’-Y-oyster (pronounced kha-wai-oyster) which you rescued from a local oyster orphanage; subtly sitting by the beach.

Now, you might be guessing: what’s your objective?

To click the living shit out of it.

Upon each click, little K’-Y-oyster will spit out PERLs. As you reap yourself some PERLs, you may use them to buy items and power-ups that will convert your personal K’-Y-oyster into the ultimate PERL machine.

PLEASE READ THIS I BEG YOU: The PERLs you earn in the game are NOT the same as real PERL tokens in the market! It’s just a currency for the game!

Now, if you lived through 2013 having geeky gamer friends by your side, you might be wondering: is this just another Cookie Clicker?

Yes! Yes it is!

The whole point is this: we wanted to demonstrate the most minimal, yet enjoyable game possible that fully demos out the capabilities Wavelet has for creating incredibly dynamic, soothing, and performant games.

Just 1 player on PERL Clicker alone yields a significant number of transactions per second. To break it down…

Every click is 1 transaction.

Every single item and upgrade purchase is a single transaction.

Even behind the scenes, an oracle periodically sends a transaction every second that securely (in an auditable manner) updates the gameplay state of each and every player.

The next generation of crypto gaming

Let’s talk about a few numbers.

WINk, dApp with the current highest transaction volume currently

WINk has the highest transaction volume out of any dApps right now with 3k+ daily unique users and an average daily transaction volume of 770k+.

Averaging it out, the entirety of WINk generates roughly 8–10 transactions per second.

Now, imagine just a single player on PERL Clicker.

Clicking their mice away, they would be generating about 10 clicks per second. That’s 10 transactions.

Along the way, they would buy more items and upgrades. The oracle would also generate a transaction to update the user’s game state every single said.

A single player alone can generate roughly 15 transactions per second.

That would constitute to a single player generating over 500k+ transactions within just a couple of hours of playing.

No blockchain to date is able to persevere with this kind of scalability requirement.

Just imagine 100s of players playing PERL Clicker: there would easily be thousands of transactions being processed per second for just a single game.

This is what Wavelet provides to game developers: a truly user-responsive, scalable, and resilient platform for building decentralized games.

A Forewarning…

At the end of the day, we would like to remind you all that PERL Clicker was built just as a demo!

In the end, we are working on distributed systems, consensus protocols, and cryptography — not game mechanics and game design!!

Hence, expect for there to be bugs here and there — or a slightly awry game experience.

BUT: if we do get enough feedback, we’re more than happy to flesh the game out as a community project where people can add additional upgrades, items, and mechanics into the game.

The smart contract that powers the entire game is written in Rust, and the oracle is written in Go.

As a matter of fact, while you’re playing, feel free to leave your feedback or suggestions here:

What’s next?

To those reading this post all the way until the end, we want to let you in on a little something 😉.

There just MIGHT be some ways you can earn real PERL tokens out of playing the game. Expect a few announcements about this coming soon :).

Until then, start clicking!

’Til next time,
Kenta Iwasaki

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